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When the two souls were meant to bound, the two lives were destined to cross upon each other, there was nothing impossible.

There were two lines that about to meet, in a line, there was Hanna Abdullah.

She was preparing to attend an event at a hotel tonight.

Knock... knock...

"Hanna, are you decent?"

"Yea, come in."

That was not his habit to knock before entering her room, but this time it was an exception.

"Woaw, are my eyes deceiving me? Or you really put on a dress once in a lifetime,"

"Heh, I'm just keeping my word. I lost the bet so gotta wear this damn dress of your choice as the deal."

"Language, girl. I told you Barca wouldn't win it. Yet you insisted on making a bet."

"Barca is always the best. Madrid was just lucky because Barca conceded this time."

"Such a lame excuses."

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes. "Help me with this stuff now instead of arguing with me." She tried to put on her hijab.

"Try to do it yourself and be a lady."

"Ugh, you know I can only do the super simplest hijab, but not this time. I'm wearing a dress so gotta make it match."

"That's simple."

"Please, Mumu" she made puppy eyes.
He pinched her cheek.

"Ouch! What was that for?"

"I hate 'Mumu'."

She stuck her tongue out at this.

"Ugh, what could you do without me," he came closer to his little sister and extended his palm.

She grinned and put the hijab on his hand.

"I always wonder how could you do these women's stuff well,"

"Mom used to do it," he said while doing the task.

"Yea, but just by seeing her doing these, you couldn't do it."

"Observed. Hang on," he said while pinning the hijab.

She took a look at herself on a mirror on the make up table. And smiled widely admiring her brother's work. While he shook his head and did another stuff.

"See, it's so neat and pretty like always. You made it look so simple but when I tried, I ended up wrapping my face up."

He chuckled. "You lame."

"Just learn to do it yourself next time. Woman should be able to do it,"

The smile on her face disappeared. And there was that look that he hated. The gloom that he had been trying to remove yet he could not.

"Maybe, if mom were here at this moment, I'd be able to do it myself." She said in a low barely heard tone.

That gave him pang on his chest. The movement of his hands stopped, his eyes were filled with guilt and sorrow.

His little sister was lacked of mother's love, the thing that he couldn't give to her no matter how hard he tried, yet the thing that she really needed. He did not know how a mother would act toward their daughter, how they would wake them up in the morning, how would they scold and nag toward them, how they would kiss them, how would their voice calm and wash their worries and sadness away, how their hugs warm and give them peace, how would they teach them about feminine stuffs, how would they teach them to cook, and how would they teach them to behave and share stories heart to heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2019 ⏰

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