John Murphy | stow-away

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[back story: you are Jaha's personal medical assistant. He floated your parents, then ended up adopting you once he realized you already worked for him.]

"Thank you (y/n). I don't know what I'd do without you."

You nodded and laughed quietly. Cleaning up the last of Kane's wounds.

He began to get up as you cleaned up your medical kit.

"Kane? Uh. Sir?"

He sat on a nearby chair and studied you. "Yes (y/n)."

"Have you seen chancellor Jaha? I need to speak with him."

Kane swiftly pulled a walkie talkie from his waistband. "Chancellor, (y/n) needs to speak with you, I'm sending her to your office."

You heard a flash of static on the walkie before getting a faint answer. "Send her in."

You politely nodded at Kane and set off towards Jaha's office.

As you were walking down the hallway, a panic flushed over you. Were they already putting prisoners on the ship?

You saw your life long best friend being dragged across the floor.

"John!" You rushed over to him, only to be mumbled at by everyone else.

"(Y/N)! Where are they taking us?" He whispered into your ear.

You blushed and stumbled over your words. "I-I can't tell you right now, but I'm coming okay?"

He nodded softly.

"Even if I have to get myself arrested."

You saw his eyes widen as you began walking away. "Wait, (y/n)!"

Before he could ask what you were up to, you were already sprinting towards Jaha's office.

You burst through the door, slightly startling Jaha and his two guards.

"You weren't supposed to send them today."

Jaha raised an eyebrow at you and silently dismissed his guards.

"I have no clue what you are talking about (y/n)."

Your whole life you have been polite to Jaha and other authority, today you threw that out the window.

"You know what I'm talking about. The 100. The prisoners. You're sending them to the ground."

"That's classified information (y/n) you're not supposed to know that."

You scoffed loudly before stepping closer to Jaha's desk. "Well I do know about it, and I know you're not supposed to send them for another week."

You began pacing around the room.

"You have to send me with them."

"No. I-"

For the first time in your life, you interrupted someone. "No, you can't say no. You floated my entire family. Now I know you 'adopted' me to make up for it, but the only family I have is getting on that ship in a few days."

Jaha shuffled in his chair, clearly becoming uncomfortable with your increasing pace.

"John Murphy. Jasper Jordan. Monty green. They are the only family I have. They were my only friends until you locked them up. I visit them every other day, which is more than visiting hours allow, but it's still not enough."

"I cannot allow you to endanger yourself (y/n). We don't know what is on the ground. Those kids could die after they take their first breath."

You stoped pacing and walked over to Jaha's desk. "If they die, and I don't help stop it, or I'm not there to say goodbye when they die, I'll never forgive myself. Ever."

"We need you here (y/n). I need you."

"You have doctor Griffin! Doctor Jackson! You have who knows
How many more people who are way more qualified than I am."

Jaha stood up , slowly walking around his desk to meet you. "I said no. We are sending them tomorrow and you are to stay as far away from that ship as possible. Is that clear?"

You brought your face up his. "Fuck you." And with that, you stormed off.

You stomped off to your room and pushed everything off your desk.

You emptied your medical cabinet completely, Which was way out of your authority, and stuffed it all into a backpack.

You grabbed a box of matches and set off  through the halls swiftly.

With backpack in hand, you entered the drop ship which would be used tomorrow.

You quietly placed your full back
pack under a seat, and walked out.

You sped walked into the storage rooms and grabbed a can of gasoline.

You walked down the long hallway, and into the commons.

"Good afternoon (y/n)." Kane said in a singsong tone, from across the room.

Jaha stood with him, quietly chatting with Doctor Griffin.

You ripped the cap off the can and began dunking the gas over the floors.

You saw Kane's eyes widen as he watched you. "(Y/n)! No"

Just before Kane reached you, you lit a single match and threw it onto the floor before sprinting away.

"Guards! Arrest her immediately!" You heard Kane screaming through the flames as the Ark's alarm system went off.

You knew you had lit Jaha on fire when you heard people start to panic and scream his name.

You sprinted off towards your room.

As you began to fumbled with your door knob, you heard footsteps being you.

"(Y/n) (astname)!  You are under arrest!" You turned around, slowly putting you my empty hands in the air.

"Shocker." You spoke quietly as they took you away, waking towards the prison area of the ship.

( to be continued, see "John Murphy | stow-away part 2"



I decided to make this one two parts because I had almost hit 1,000 words and I had so much more to write

So hopefully part two will be just as long if not longer than part one :))

Requests and feedback are welcome!

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