Bellamy Blake | Mr.whats-his-name

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After landing on the ground, you realized one thing and one thing only.

No one knew how to fend for themselves.

After about a week of people scrambling around and staying near the drop ship, you decided to change that.

You went and talked to Murphy, the side-kick of the man in charge here.

"Why is he in charge again?"

Murphy raised an eyebrow at you. "Who? Bellamy?"

You placed a hand on you hip and shot a glance at him. "If that's his name, then yeah. Why is he the leader?"

Murphy's face melted into a confused expression.

"Whatever, anyways, I'd much rather talk to you."

Murphy smirked softly, before you punched him. "Not like that Murphy, shut up."

Murphy raised his hands in defense before you continued speaking. "I wanna talk about the people. They don't know how to fight for shit."

Murphy shrugged. "So?"

You sighed loudly at the boy. "I say we set up a place to practice. A place where we can fist fight each other, but not actually kill one another."

Murphy nodded and looked slightly amused as he walked off towards the drop ship.

You knew you had gotten through to Murphy when, a few weeks later, The leader who you forgot the name of, announced a daily combat practice in the drop ship. You
Couldn't see him, but you heard him.

You were one of the first people to enter the ship.

After watching a few people get matched with someone and fight, you were excited for it to finally be your turn.

Murphy walked over to you slowly. "Ahh. (Y/n) I've got the perfect partner for you."

You beamed quietly as Murphy tapped the shoulder of a boy with dark, curly hair.

He turned around and you were taken aback by his muscles, but still refused to wimp out.

"Are you sure Murphy?" The boy spoke softly.

You walked towards them and interrupted. "He's sure."

The boy shot you a nervous glance. You
We're drawn to his gorgeous eyes.

You held your hand out, the boy took it and shook it firmly before getting into position.

Murphy signaled for the fight to start, and you immediately got a hit on him.

After a few good hits on both ends, the boy ended up on the ground, signaling to Murphy that he accepted defeat.

Murphy laughed loudly. "Nice job (y/n)! I new you could do it."

He went in for a high five, then saw your bloodied hands and walked away in disgust.

You laughed quietly and began wiping your hands on your pants.

The dark haired boy silently walked over to a nearby bench, and pulled out a box of medical supplies.

You had wounds of your own, which were really bad and still bleeding, but you walked over to the boy to help.

"Here." You said promptly, sitting down next to the boy and grabbing the cloth from his hands. "Let me help you."

He nodded softly, then winced in pain.

As you began to clean up his face, he chuckled lightly. "You did pretty good uh... uh."

"(Y/n)." You cut in, still quite focused on his eyes.

"Ah, you probably know who I am." He said softly.

"I don't, but it's funny you assume I do."

"Oh right, sorry. I'm Bellamy. Bellamy Blake."



That was fun to write, maybe I can do this without requests psh.

(I'm kidding I can't please send requests before I die)

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