3.Pleasing to look at

446 14 9

Sean POV

September 5th 2018

"Its Wednesday my dudes" Jace smirked "Ah-"

"Don't start" Riele put her hand over Jace mouth "Now is not the time for it"

"Such a party pooper" Thomas said

"Want to say that any closer to my face?" Riele raised a brow

"Na I like my face the way it is thank you"

"That's what I thought"

"Its not like your face is pleasing to look at any way" We heard Maddie mumbled with her head on the lunch table

"Hey Maddie is this pleasing to look at?" Maddie raised her head up only to be surprised my whip cream hitting her face

"You little bitch!" Maddie rose from her seat but Ella made her sit back down

"Even with you two sitting far from each other you still fight" Ella calmed Maddie down

While everyone was busy with whatever the heck that is I got up from my seat quickly trying not to be seen

"Hey where are you going?" I heard Jace ask

"To the bathroom" I lied

"What are you going to do in the bathroom?" He asked

"Jace stay out his privacy and why you keep asking question?" Benji asked

"I want to know everything, like why is the sky blue?, Why do males have nipples for if we don't use them?, Do you guys think of me in the shower?" Jace rambled while the gang just groaned

I left the cafeteria and walked to spot Jayce by her locker

"Hey Stranger long time no see looks like you finally have time" Jayce smiled brightly

"Oh come on school is very busy" I chuckled as she wrapped her arm around me

"Busy for your own girlfriend" She pout, Yip Jayce and I have been together since the 7th grade and still going strong

"I'll never be to busy for you" I kissed her cheek

"Hey want to go somewhere?" Jayce smiled brightly but before I could answer she pulled me out the school doors

I wonder where she is taking me

"I never knew you liked to go here" I said getting out of my car to the pond

"Yeah I come here for piece and quite, you like here too?" She asked while I held her hand

"Yes, my Mom would take me and my sister here when we were younger" I looked around and remembering memories "Now I just come here by myself"

"Well if I ever need someone to tag along with me you will be my first choice, cause Cree hates this place"

"She's one weird duckling"

"I tell her that all the time" She chuckled "Wait we were together for almost 6 years and we never knew this"

"You learn something new everyday" I shrugged

"You learn something new everyday" She mocks me

"Were basically an old married couple, you realized that?"

"Yeah but its not like I'm getting anything good out of it" She shrugged

"You got me" I said pointing at myself but she only shook her head then stopped

"Sean have you been feeling a weird vibe lately?" Jaycee asks looking around then looking at me "Like someone is watching us"

"Actually yeah" I've been feeling like that during the summer but then it randomly stopped but suddenly I've been feeling it again since yesterday "But its probably nothing"

"I hope so cause its like whenever I'm with you or Cree I feel watched but like you said its probably nothing"

Jaycee phone started to ring and she picked up her phone and instantly Cree started rambling

"Jayce where are you? And why did you skip school?

"Relax weirdo she's with me" I said

"If you two are doing something illegal I swear I'm gonna-" Jayce hanged up her phone

"She talks to much" She laughed

"You gotta stop hanging up the phone on her"

"She'll get over it"

"Hey Sean my boy, how was school?" My dad asked from his favorite chair

"Pretty average" I shrugged I walked past him

"Sean I'm making some sandwiches, want any?" My step mom asked

"Yeah thanks" I remember my sister and I wasn't to nice to our step mom but everything is alright, mostly

I headed to my room and instantly rushed to my bed but my tablet started to ring and it was Jace requesting a face time

I sat up and accepted the call

"Where were you mister?" Jace questioned on the other end "You missed Mr Briggs class and you know that son of a bitch is miserable as hell"

"I went with Jayce to a park to talk"

"I don't like that Jayce girl, I heard she's trouble like her sister"  Jace gave a sarcastic look

"Don't be jealous"

"You wish bish" Jace laughed then his face went serious "So is the box still secured?"

"Yeah but I still don't think its safe that I have this here at home" I looked over to the box that is in my closet

"Sean its gonna be alright stop worrying" He tried to assure me everything is ok

"How can I not worry when this guy belongings is in my house and who knows what the heck is in this box"

"I know but I told you were gonna get someone to open these boxes soon then we can find out what this guy intentions is"

"Well the quicker the better"

"Just be prepared for tomorrow we got a new teacher with a new course and I pray we don't have another pshyco bitch this year" Jace shook his head

"Well if we do get one you two would have something in common"

"You-" I instantly stopped the video chat, I guess Jaycee is rubbing off on me

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2018 ⏰

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