Shopping Date

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"Oh my God." You huffed, crossing your hand in front of your chest. "How many times are you going to check yourself? Even the mirror is tired already." You said, rolling your eyes while slightly shaking your head.

"You look good." Your voice was flat and your face showed how bored you were.

"Just get everything and pay it already. I need to go home before my feet fall off." You were certainly annoyed. He took the longest time just to try five clothes. He just could not stop going back and forth to the fitting room. And it was not like he tried a different kind of clothes, everything was just black, black shirt, another black shirt, and obviously the rest of the shirts were also black.

You sighed, leaning your back against the wall behind you. You had been standing in front of the fitting room for almost an hour. You knew, shopping with him always resulted in torture for you. He shopped longer than you, longer than most of girls you believe, and other than that, he was also extra picky with his clothes. And if it was not because of the bet that you just lost against him, you would have left him there.

In every girl's bucket list probably shopping with a boyfriend would be listed there. Having a sweet lovely boyfriend carrying your shopping bag, telling you which dresses to buy, and maybe, just maybe, swiping his card for you? Not going to lie, most of the girls, like the last part best. But unfortunately, things like that only occurred in Korean dramas. Because in your reality, it was the complete opposite. Except for the swiping card part. He did sometimes.

Well, you love your man dearly, but what kind of guy would spend an hour only to try clothes on? You snorted while looking at him fixing the collar of his shirt in front of a mirror. He finally stepped outside the fitting room, yet pausing in front of a big mirror to check himself out. You still stood behind him, not yet moving from your spot. You could feel your feet starting to go numb because you stood for too long.

You tucked your bottom lip in between your teeth as your gaze landed on his back. Junhoe had a broad shoulder which you had always admired and you were not going to lie that even from behind he still looked super fine.

You did not realize the smirk that was plastered on his face as he caught you checking him out. "Like what you see, babe?" He said, startling you from your reverie. He still had his back facing you, flexing his muscle to make his shoulders look even bigger. You averted your eyes to meet his eyes through the reflection in the mirror.

"Stop being stupid. My feet hurt, I can't move. And I hate you." You said, completely unamused by his playful remark. Junhoe chuckled as he noticed how cranky you were. He turned his body and started walking towards you. He stopped when he was just a foot away from you, placing his hands on your waist as he pulled you to press a sudden kiss on your lips.

You widened your eyes in a shock, immediately pushing his shoulders to create a gap between you two as you could feel blush started creeping up to your cheeks.

You could hear his laugh ringing in your ears as he teased how red your face had become. "Shut up! Koo Junhoe!" You snarled at him, feeling so embarrassed after receiving a kiss in public. Junhoe knew how much you disliked public display affection and yet he still did it once in a while just to annoy you. He once said that he liked seeing your reaction, and you used to think it was a side cute of him just because he was adoring you even though in a weird kind of way, but right now you just wanted to slice his idiotic grin out of his face.

"Why are you still so red?" Junhoe said in between his laughter. "It is not like we haven't done anything more than that."

You choked on your breath at his replied, wrinkling your nose before pinching his arm. "Cut it off." You grumbled before hurriedly walked past him, storming to the exit of the store.

"You look pretty when you're upset." He said teasingly. You still could hear his voice but you pretended like you did not hear anything, ignoring him as you kept walking. "And I love you so much, baby!" This time, his voice was louder than before, too loud that you swore to God, it definitely could be heard from every corner of the store. He practically yelled from where he stood. "Fuck." You muttered a curse out of reflex when you heard his voice. You quickened your pace, covering your face with your palm, wishing nobody would notice that it was directed to you.

On the other hand, Junhoe could not help but laugh as he saw you nearly running out of the store. He felt his phone vibrated, noticing him for a new message and his grin grew wider the moment he read the message.

8:31pm: Koo Junhoe, you're so dead.

Shopping DateWhere stories live. Discover now