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Spinning and spinning,


Screaming in pain,

but nobody can hear you.

Too busy with their own lives,

While I'm here hearing voices.

People screaming in union with me.

It grows louder by the second.

Pain gets unbearable.

Anxiety attempting murder.

People want me to be someone I'm not.

Sickening me with overbearing pressure.

Let me be , I scream.

Scowling with disapproval,

they hush my voice with their louder voice.

Knowing I cant escape,

I submit.

Spinning and spinning.

What if I can end this?

stop the spinning,

the anxiety,

the pain;

stop my life.

I'll finally be in peace.

About to do it.

Until I remember a promise I made;

to someone I care bout deeply.

Don't want to hurt them,
I stop.

Spinning and spinning cease to exist one day.

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