"Morning, Perce," Nico said, his fingers tapping rhythmically on his kneecap.

"Hmm?" Percy yawned, concealing a wince when a dull ache was produced from his wounded side. "Oh, morning, Nico."

"You don't seem happy," he noted.

Percy gave a half-hearted chuckle. "Yeah, because I love being in excruciating pain and being bed ridden for gods know how long. Nightmares aren't exactly restful, either."

Nico's eyes darkened; his face transformed until he was wearing a concerned expression. "What nightmare?"

Percy waved off the question. "It's nothing important."

"I don't believe you. Tell me."

Percy sighed, running a hand through his bedhead hair. "Fine, but...not now. It's too soon."

Nico leaned back in his chair, a triumphant grin sitting on his lips. He liked the fact that Percy didn't put up a fight for opening up. "Understandable. As long as you tell me, though, I've got no problem with waiting."

He received a small, grateful smile from Percy. "Thanks."

He shrugged. "What are friends for? 'Kay, let me see if I can find Apollo. I'll be right back."

Nico heard a muffled "Okay," as he stood up from his chair, pushing the doors to the main part of the palace open. As soon as he knew he was out of Percy's line of sight, he scowled deeply at the floor.

"Cut the theatrics," he said, hands clenching into fists at his side. "I'm alone, just like you wanted."

A swirl of mist shaped into a man in front of him: Poseidon.

Nico had to fight the urge to deck the god in the face. It was his fault Percy almost died, all because he wanted to keep Percy "safe". News flash, big guy, this is the twentieth century! Parents don't knock their kids unconscious as means to keep them safe! It's called anti-depressants!

"Good," Poseidon said hastily. "We don't have much time."

"What are you talking about?"

"No time. Hide him, Nico. Grab him, and take him as far away from Olympus as possible. I'll find you two soon, and I'll explain everything, I promise."

There was no mistaking who the him was. Nico turned, sorrow filling his face as he looked at the doors of the infirmary.

"Are you absolutely sure about this? He's weakened. And if you haven't noticed, the two of us together are monster magnets," Nico argued.

Poseidon swore in ancient Greek under his breath. He walked over to a marble column, yanking out two of the fossilized seashells. "Wear these, both of you," he said, shoving the shells into Nico's hand. "This will keep you safe, and I'll be able to track the two of you. No one but me will be able to find you."

Nico didn't argue, threading one of the seashells onto the leather necklace around his neck. He stashed the other one in his pocket to give to Percy later. His hand went out of habit to check that his sword was still there and in its sheath, and sure enough, it was.

"Good luck trying to placate your siblings," Nico said, turning on his heel, rushing back into the infirmary. He felt a sudden weight drape across his shoulders other than his sword, and he realized Poseidon had flashed a black backpack onto him. He unzipped the top compartment, shoving it full of medical supplies for Percy, and for himself need be.

"What's going on?" Percy asked, attempting to sit up in his bed.

"Stop that," Nico chided. "You'll need all the strength you can get for our trip."

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