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Today, I got the opportunity to join the Quidditch team. Ron too. He was so happy that he kissed the corner of my mouth. When he realized what he did, his whole face turned red.

''Shit, Harry I didn't mean to do that. I'm so sorry''. He genuinely looked sorry and a bit embarrassed. Which I understood. If I did that, I would probably run away.

''It's okay Ronnie. Don't think about it.'' I answered back. I liked it, of course, but Ron didn't know that. He probably thought that I hated him.

''Cool, I guess. Should we eat lunch?'' He asked me, breaking the awkward silence. Which I mentally thanked him.


Shit. I can't believe I kissed Harry almost on his lips. I mean, it wouldn't be such a problem. Since I really like him. He is the reason why I lost my feelings for Hermione. She was such a good friend. But a girlfriend? Nope.

She was really pushy and made this annoying comments all the time. She always acts like my mom.

It's sweet and everything but at the time? It gets really annoying. 

My crush on Harry started when we turned 15. We were at Hagrid's house, listening to a story he was telling us. In the middle of the story, I blanked out and had my attention on Harry. 

I liked the way he looked. His brown hair and how it is styled. His height. How he is shorter than me, which makes it very easy to me to dominate him. The way he blushes whenever I do something inappropriate, like yesterday. When we had dinner and I 'accidentally' touched his thigh. 

Whenever he laughs, his glasses always fall off and the way he pouts whenever he has to pick it up. It's cute. 

I was with Hermione that time, and I thought I was majorly in love with her. But when I got these thoughts about Harry. I started to hate myself. 

Harry would never like me back. I am the least loved person in our family. My mom wanted to have a girl instead of me. I have a temperament and I have an obnoxious laugh. 

I'm even surprised how Hermione held up with me. I'm not even handsome or cute. I have ugly freckles all over my body and my voice is disgusting. 

Until this day, I had these thoughts. I even started to distance myself from Harry and Hermione. 

The reason I distanced myself from Hermione was that I couldn't bear looking at her hurt face whenever I rejected one of her kisses. And the reason I distanced myself from Harry was because I couldn't stop feeling disgusted with myself whenever I hung out with him. 

It made me feel like I was betraying Hermione and Harry at the same time. I just needed some time to collect myself and tell Hermione that I don't have feeling for her. It took me a whole year. 

But I have never felt so relieved in my whole life. Now, I just have to make sure that my secret doesn't slip out. At all! 

Robbie Coltrane as Rubeus Hagrid

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Robbie Coltrane as Rubeus Hagrid


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