Not a Proper First Date

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"Yay, ickey" Blaine cheers. I put a fresh nappy on him before putting his trousers on and then his shirt.

"Let's see what socks we can find" I tell him as I take him to his drawers that had socks and random things in there for Blaine.

"These ones?" I ask him.


I slip them onto his feet before taking us both back downstairs and getting ready to go to Sebastian's

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I slip them onto his feet before taking us both back downstairs and getting ready to go to Sebastian's. I quickly pack a bag and then go to Blaine.

"Let's get shoes on" I say to him after I put mine on.

"No" he whines.

"Come on, shoes please" I tell him.

"No daddy" he starts to cry.

"If you don't get your shoes on then we won't go to papas house" I warn him.

"No" he sobs as he kicks his feet a little. 'I'll just carry him, we're only going to the car and then Sebastian's' I thought. I take his shoes and pick him up, placing him on my hip and then reaching down to grab his bag.

"Right, let's head to papas" I sigh as I unlock the car and open the passenger door to put his stuff down first, before shutting it and then heading to Blaine's side.

"There we are" I say after I clipped him into his seat. I get in and soon head to Sebastian's, where he was stood outside waiting for us.

"Papa" Blaine cheered as Sebastian opens Blaine's door and kisses all over his face.

"Papa" Blaine giggles.

"Hey buddy" he blows a raspberry on his neck.

"Where's your shoes?" Sebastian asks him.

"Oh, he refused to have them on" I tell him.

"Oh no, was someone being a little grouchy this morning?"

"No" Blaine tells him.

"Are you sure?"

"No" Sebastian then tickles him, making Blaine laugh.

"Ok ok" he then stops.

"Ou" Blaine then whines as he reaches for Sebastian.

"Alright, come on then" He then takes Blaine out and I walk to their side.

"Hey babe" I kiss him.

Infantilism BlaineWhere stories live. Discover now