Chapter 13: A friend indeed is a friend in need

Start from the beginning

Snape looked at him, wide eyed. "What? Leave? Lucius! I came here for your help! You can't just ask me to leave, Lucius Malfoy, lord or not!" snarled Snape.

"No, you blasted man! I meant, leave Hogwarts. Leave the wizarding world for good. Never return. Go to the muggle world. Go anywhere you want. New identity. New life. New name." Lucius said, his eyes turning almost mercurial.

Snape blushed a little for his outburst. He pondered on what his friend said. It is a good idea but there are repercussions that needed to be considered, but nevertheless, it could work. 'Living a life as muggle. Sounds tempting.' He thought.

"Live in a muggle world with new names. But, how? Won't our records or anything could alert the ministry our whereabouts?" He heard Potter asked.

"Your school records will be sealed. All your records in the ministry will be sealed. You can Obliviate anyone you want. Then, leave." Lucius said, his tone deadpanned.

Harry was silent after the statement. Obliviate and leave? Like... Leave and never return? What about his friends? Hermione and Ron and Neville and the people--

He didn't notice the tears that rolled down his cheeks as his line of thoughts became rather depressing.

'What, leave the Weaselys, the first family he ever had? Leave Gryffindor, the place where he first felt he belonged? Leave Hogwarts, bringing his memories of them, and them not even being able to know who he is should they happen to meet in the streets?'

His heart ached and tore at the thoughts of his friends and what he would leave behind should he actually heed to the plan.

But Snape did not. He saw Harry shed his tears behind his silence, and Severus knew by then how hard it must have been for the boy.

With a fervent look towards Lucius, Snape asked, "May Mister Potter have his rest, Lucius? We require a room for the night. He cannot go back as of yet, he is still unstable."

Malfoy put his brandy glass on the coffee table and summoned another house elf. Harry was still weeping silently at Snape's side, and it was then that Lucius asked within himself whether Potter and Severus had actually became of somewhat good friends over the past week. He instructed the elf to prepare one of the master suites, of which the elf should divide, with a connecting door and have one bed each. The elf's ear tweaked and then with a stammer, the elf popped away.

When the elf returned, Snape turned to Harry after thrusting a flannel he transfigured. "Here, Potter. Go with the elf, and rest. I shall talk to you after a while."

Harry stood, his knees wobbly, but managed to do as Snape had instructed. As soon as he arrived to his temporary quarters, the still distraught young man sobbed onto his pillow, allowing himself to have the luxury of pouring his mixed emotions onto the mattress, his head still whirring with the thoughts that brought him sadness and grief.


"Potter and you seem-- what's that blasted word Draco uses when he is with his friends? Ah yes, chummy. I wonder how, and when." Lucius let the sarcasm drip over his words. Severus took a gulp of the brandy in the glass in his hands.

Severus sneered, "That is between the boy and I, Lucius. Don't you know how to read warnings like 'don't step on the grass'? I never asked how you and Narcissa became infatuated with one another, when all you both know is focus on yourself, and family next."

Lucius chuckled, "Alright, Severus. Fair play."

"Do keep in mind that while you are ny friend, you are not to take advantage of it. Now, on to the matter at hand. Since the boy is not here, you can tell me how exactly can you make your oh-so-brilliant-plan to work," Snape said with a snort.

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