☽I'm Yours ★ Penelope Garcia☾

Start from the beginning

Y/N walks around to the passenger side, unlocking the door before opening it for Penelope, "After you m'lady."

Penelope's cheeks heat up as she climbs into the passenger seat, Y/N waiting until she was in fully to shut the door for her before walking around to her own door, unlocking it and climbing into the drivers seat.

It doesn't take long before they're pulling into Penelope's driveway and parking the car, a soft yawn escaping Y/N's lips.

"Why don't you stay over tonight? It's almost midnight and you seem really tired, you can crash with me in my room and since we have the day off we can maybe do something fun tomorrow?" Penelope suggests before getting out of the car.

"That sounds great, I'm beat after that case. It's official that was by far the worst case I've worked on since I've started here." Y/N says as she rubs her tired eyes, the two getting out of the car and locking the doors after.

Penelope unlocks the door to her apartment before the two walk in, locking the door behind them before trudging to Penelope's room.

Once they made it into her room Y/N flops face first onto the bed, not even caring that she's still wearing her work clothes.

"Here sugar, take these to change into I'm sure it'll be more comfortable for you." Penelope says as she tosses a pair of her sweatpants and a t-shirt at her before grabbing out something for herself to change into.

Y/N groans in protest but gets up anyway and trudges into the bathroom before changing into Penelope's clothes, walking back into her bedroom after as she drops her clothes on the floor resuming her place face first in bed.

The sight of it causes Penelope to giggle, covering Y/N up before climbing into bed with her and covering herself up after as the two drift off to sleep.

When the two woke up the next morning they found theirselves entangled with each other, cuddled close.

"Good morning sugarplum, how did you sleep last night?" Penelope says as the two stay in the same position, not daring to move just yet.

Y/N yawns quietly before she replies with, "Good morning, I slept great Penn how did you sleep?"

"I slept great as well so, what do you want to do today?" She asks with a smile on her face.

"I say we go get lunch since it's already noon, and then come back here to have a movie marathon?" Y/N suggests, a smile making its way onto her face matching Penelope's.

"That actually sounds lovely, let me get dressed you can grab something to change into if you don't have anything in your go bag." Penelope says before reluctantly getting out of bed.

Y/N does the same before replying, "For once I actually have extra clothes and don't have to steal yours Penn, are you proud of me?" as a small giggle slips out of her mouth.

"Wow! That's a miracle, you normally never have extra clothes in your go bag, I'm very proud of you." She says with a soft laugh, "Now let's get ready because I am starving."

Once the two have gotten dressed they head out to Y/N's car, driving to their lunch destination which just so happened to be a pasta place close to Penelope's apartment the two loved.

They ordered their normal order of Fettuccine Alfredo and bread sticks, eating in comfortable silence and just enjoying their food and the other woman's company.

Y/N didn't want to ruin any of this friendship that they had so she continuously hides her feelings for Penelope, not knowing how she'd react if she found out.

After finishing their food they head back to Penelope's house after grabbing some extra clothes from Y/N's house for work tomorrow, the women planning to have a movie marathon late into the night before carpooling in the morning.

Arriving at Penelope's house Y/N sits on the couch as Penelope looks through her ever growing stash of movies, "How about starting with Warm Bodies?" She asks while holding the case up for Y/N to see.

"Oooh yes! I like that movie." She says with a smile, grabbing their snacks and preparing for the movie.

Penelope sits down and the two lean against each other, watching the movie silently as they snack on popcorn and various candies they picked up at the store and before they know it they're nearing the end.

It finally gets to the part where R and Julie kiss for the first time in the pool when Y/N feels a pair of lips press against her own, she's so stunned that she doesn't even kiss back before Penelope's hastily removing her lips off Y/N's.

"W-What was that Penn?" Y/N stutters out, looking over at her crush and best friend.

"I was just kind of hoping that you'd, you know, fall in love with me Y/N." Penelope blurts out, tired of hiding her feelings for her best friend.

"Penelope... I've already fallen in love with you, silly girl. I've always been in love with you. You're a little bubbly ray of sunshine that brightens up my days. So if you want me, I'm yours." Y/N says to Penelope after taking one of her hands into her own.

"Wait.. you are? Then why didn't you kiss me back?" Penelope questions.

"Because I did not expect you to kiss me, it took me off guard dear." Y/N says with a giggle.

"Then, Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?" Penelope asks, holding both of Y/N's hands in her own.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend, sweet pea." Y/N says with a smile before leaning in to kiss Penelope gently, her arms wrapping around her.

"I'm glad you're finally mine." Penelope says after the kiss ends, a huge smile on her face.

"And I'm glad I'm yours finally too, Penn. You light up my world."

☽ ★ ☾

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