Harp Prince

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Thanks to the long cloak Lyanna brought with her, she could return to her room without anyone noticing the state of her dress.
Although it had been one of her favorite, she was glad that she had ruined it serving a great purpose.

Benjen took Howland with him to his room so they could prepare for the evening, while Lyanna and Violet returned to theirs.
The she-wolf finally took time to bathe and rest, so when night came, she was energetic enough to endure the feast.

Violet did her hair and helped her tighten her corset, which was one of Lyanna's least favorite accessories.

The highborn lady wore a stunning low cutted gown of red taffeta that revealed her lovely neck, but kept the rest for the minds to imagine. She also wore some black laced ankle boots that made her a little taller than she was.

She finished off her look with a ruby necklace and matching earrings that were once her mother's. She loved them.

Gods, how she missed her. She could still hear her singing songs and lullabies to help her sleep at night. She still remembered her rosy scent, and the softness of her hair, her smile, yet she couldn't remember her face all that well.

Lyarra Stark passed away after she gave birth to Benjen, and Lyanna was too young to remember.
All she knew is that with time, she never got to sense her presence again, and it was hard to grow up without the care and the love of a mother.

The wolf maid prayed to the Old Gods in the Godswood everyday to keep her mother safe. She hoped that she lived in peace, and looked out for her from up there, wherever she was.

Lyanna sat for a long while staring at the neck piece and caressing the jewels with her fingers while her mind wandered in endless thoughts before Violet returned after getting ready herself.

"I know how much you miss her, my lady." Violet said with regret, and the lady simply nodded before taking a deep breath and standing up. Now wasn't the time for grief.

"Let's go. We're already late." she said as she started walking towards the threshold.
The ladies then walked to the great hall where the feast was held. It took a long time to go downstairs since Lyanna could barely walk in heels, and the corset didn't help at all.

She expected a loud and energetic feast like the ones held by her father at Winterfell, but that wasn't the case.

The minstrels were playing indeed, but the music was calmer. The lords and ladies were all dressed up nicely for the night, and all were gathered with either friends or acquaintances, enjoying the wine, ale, and all other kinds of drinks and foods lord Whent had to offer.
And if he didn't spare any expenses on the feast, one could only imagine what the tourney would be like.

Robert was waiting in the entrance with the Stark boys and Howland Reed for Lyanna to arrive, and when she did, the storm lord couldn't take his eyes off her.

"Look at you, sister!" Brandon exclaimed, making her blush.
"You look lovely, lady Lyanna." Robert muttered.
"Thank you." she smiled.

Robert offered his hand and Lyanna took it, then the both of them walked inside, followed by Brandon, Ned and Howland, then by Benjen who decided to escort Violet who looked stunning too in a hand-beaded corset dress with similar colors to her lady's.

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