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"Would you freaking calm down!" I shouted over my shoulder as I stomped away from our bedroom, me and my boyfriend's. Daniel charged after me, throwing a shirt over his bare chest as he came at me.

    "Calm down, you want me to freaking calm down?! How the hell can I do that when there is another man's name tattooed to the underside of your breast!" He yelled back at me as I scooped up my discarded, baby blue shirt.

    "I told you that Quill is my baby brother. The baby brother I lost when my mom died, asshole!"

    He threw up his arms in frustration before tugging at his black, gelled hair. "Well how was I supposed to know?"

    I stopped just before the front door of our apartment and looked at him with disbelief. My feet slapped against the floors as I made my way back to him. My index finger angry jabbed at his muscular chest, leaving crescent indents in his white skin. "That was one of the first things I said to you. You would have remembered that I you actually loved me and not just the sex."

    "I do love you, Tarren. I love you so much but it frustrates me like no other when another man's name is on your body!"

    God dam this man. Why can't he get it through his thick skull? It is the name of the baby brother I never got to meet! Why did I stay with Daniel?

    "Why can't you get it? This tattoo is a memorial for the man in my life that would have probably brought me joy while you are doing the exact opposite right now. Quill is a dead, 7 month old baby that I only got to see after both my mother and him were dead, Daniel.

    "If you are going to be like this every time a man so much as scans his eyes over me in a flipping crowd, I'm gone. I cannot do your possessive, demanding, sex driven relationship. I'm done with you, Daniel. We are over," I announced while turning back towards the door. I threw my leather purse over my shoulder and slipped on a pair of cheap flip flops.

    "Don't you dare leave me, Tarren. You leave, I will hunt you down and make your life a living hell," Daniel threatened while coming over to me to tower me once again.

    I ripped my keys out of my bag and yanked off the silver, hexagonal key that paired with the door in front of me. The key clattered against the wooden floors as I dropped it at our feet before I opened the door and left.

    A deep sigh escaped my lips as the door slammed behind me. And I'm free to do what I want, how much I eat, and whatever I want with my body. Speaking of food, I should probably get some….I haven't eaten since lunch yesterday.

    Some of the neighbors peeked out from behind their doors before shutting them as soon as they saw me. Thanks for the support guys. I can feel the love.

    As fast as I could, without falling, I made my way down the stairs and out of the glass doors. No glances were cast my way as I burst through the front doors and across the thick stream of people to the curb.

    "Taxi!" I shouted while waving my free arm over my head. Eventually, one of the classical, yellow cabs started heading my direction when I was shoved off of the curb.

    There was no time for me to scream as a large semi truck came up from behind my taxi and met my body. I felt nothing as I was slapped against the grate. Numb feeling as the large wheels rolled over me before coming to the stop on top of my legs. Everything was frozen as I laid my head on the slowly cooling asphalt.

    This is not what I planned for my life. Sure, I was planning on having a long life with Daniel. He was perfect. He had a few nit picky things but who didn't? I wanted to visit my dad every Thanksgiving, Christmas, and every birthday he had till the end of his days. I wanted to grow old and watch my children and their children grow older right before my eyes.

The Horsemen (REWRITING ON HOLD)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon