"Ethel says it is just a tracing spell. He has something that belongs to you. Once you release it as your property by giving it away, the spell will lock on whomever you bequeath the object to." Bridget said and then thanked Ethel for her help once again. William, who had never seen her talk with the dead, was the only person affected by the scene.

Elizabeth enjoying creeping him out, so she added, "Tell Ethel that she is better than our spell books and we should keep her around."

William gave her an annoyed look as if he knew she had done that just for him. He went to stand, but Edward pushed him back down. "I have to use the restroom and I could use a drink as well."

Edward ran his hand through his hair. "First we talk and then you can take care of your business." To Elizabeth and Rebecca he said, "I think we could all use some coffee. Do you mind?"

"We can do that? It will give us something to do." The girls walked over to the kitchen area of the small cabin and started pulling out pots and a can of Maxwell House.

Edward's attention went back to their unwanted guest. "How many of your conspirators are involved in these crimes against these girls?"

"I have unlimited resources and plenty of backers. They all see the value in what you girls can do." His eyes turned vacant, "Some very scary men are after them, Edward. They will be safer with me and it would be especially good if they would cooperate."

"Tell me who are these men and why do they need the girls?"

"The war, naturally. Some are concerned about how much power Hitler has attained and our future. Others see dollar signs. Do you know how much money one war can provide? We are talking about billions of dollars."

"How are they going to use the girl's powers?"

"To make sure we win. Doesn't do any good to get rich if we have to hand it over to Germany in the end."

"You don't think we can win with our resources and man power without help?"

"Son, Hitler is a crazy person. You don't think he isn't looking for an edge?"

"I am sure the coward is doing just that, but two wrongs never make a right. These girls have made it clear that they will not help you by using their powers as a weapon. By forcing them against their will, how are you any different from Hitler?"

Elizabeth and Rebecca returned with several cups of coffee on a tray. After everyone had a cup, Edward continued the discussion. "Just to be clear. You and your collaborators plan to hold Rebecca, Bridget, and Elizabeth against their will until they agree to kill for you? Does the president know anything about your dealings?"

"There are a few other congressmen and senators involved, but no, Roosevelt is too soft. Hopefully, these ladies will be willing to forgo the torture section of the kidnapping and let's make this nice and clean, but let me be clear here I will do whatever it takes to get what I want."

Edward got up and walked over to the door and look out over the lake. After a few minutes, he turned back to the group. "So, what I am hearing is that you aren't in control here. That you are just a pawn like the rest of us."

William's eyes went wide and turned red. He shot to his feet. "I planned and implemented every aspect of this project from getting the work crew out on their property that lead to the witch waking up to you leading my men to this spot. I am in charge and you will do as I say or regret it." William yelled as he lost control.

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