Chapter 8

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"Well I guess that answers my question." Elizabeth watched as a metal tub with wings flew over her head. The wind from the machine nearly blew her over. "Loud aren't they?" She yelled over the sound of what Edward had called an engine.

She didn't know which emotion was stronger- fear or excitement. On one hand flying had always been a childhood dream, yet on the other hand she could not perceive how this ton of lead was going to get off the ground much less stay in the air. Falling to her death was not on her bucket list.

"Where are we going Christal?" Edward asked.

"You guys are going to love this. Where in America can Rebecca magically heal and people just chalk it up as voodoo. It's the most haunted place in the country, so Bridget will get her spill of dead spirits. Lastly, Elizabeth can cause a hurricane and no one will even bat an eye. It is the perfect place for us to disappear. Actually, now that I think about it, we will be the normal ones. "

"Really Christal! New Orleans. I love Jazz music. And the French Quarters....and the food. Let's go." Rebecca was bouncing on her toes with excitement, unlike Bridget who stepped back from the group and had taken on an apprehensive expression.

"What's wrong honey? Don't tell me you have issues talking to the dead. That is your gift, better get used to it." Christal exhibited sincere concern for the girl.

"No, it's not the dead ones that alarm me, it is the live ones I have issues with. That city is too crowded. I can already feel my throat locking up." Bridget put her hands to her throat as if she was choking.

"Sisters you know I cannot be in crowds. It gives me anxiety. Can't we pick another place?"

Elizabeth could see the tension in the way her sister was ringing her hands. Any minute the girl was going to take off running. Rebecca must have noticed it too because she stepped behind Bridget. Elizabeth wanted to hold her and provide her comfort.

"Girl, I got you covered. No worries. There are five covens located in New Orleans. Each are willing to help us out. One group is located on a plantation outside of town. We will be staying in the cabins there overlooking Lake Pontchartrain. Just us, the woods, and the lake."

Bridget morphed before Elizabeth eyes. She relaxed and planted a smile over her face. Elizabeth realized as she relieved her lungs that she too had been holder her breath. She couldn't stand to see her sisters in pain and would do whatever it took to keep them happy.

"Thank you Christal. I feel much better. I am ready to proceed now." Bridget, back to her well-mannered, shy self, moved closer to Rebecca using her as always as a shield. One day, Elizabeth thought, that girl will have to stand on her own. Elizabeth hoped that day didn't wreck her sister.


Edward did not take his eyes off her the whole trip while he and Christal discussed plans for when they landed. She could feel his eyes caressing her from across the aisle as if they were hands guiding alone her exposed skin. Elizabeth spent her time taking in the new experience from marveling over the scene outside the window to the way her stomach dropped as the plane took off. It was an almost decent distraction from the male force demanding her attention.

She knew she was acting like a child, but she didn't care. A few times she looked over to find her sisters and Christal were laughing at her excitement over the plane ride. Their teasing only added to the elation she felt from her first flight.

In contrast to the girls' laughter, Edward's brooding gaze was pure lust. Several times their eyes met and his eyes were making a pledge she was not sure she was ready to honor. Other than the fact that she had no experience with men in that way, she wasn't sure she could trust him. His face, so much like the Edward from her time, reminded her of why putting her trust in him could be fatal.

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