Chapter 25

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Those three days dragged on longer than the two weeks prior. I was beyond restless. Thinking about how I was going to get the chance to fight as originally planned with the prospect of killing the captain by the end of it, sent rushes of adrenaline coursing through me at random times. I'd never been more eager for a fight in my life.

I was a little surprised when General Graham wasn't the one to release us from our cells when the time came, but then I realized that he was much too important to our cause and was busy waging a war. Major Wallace was the one who led us to the weapons and armor and told us the strategy.

General Graham and the king's sons were to lead the attack on the ground, allowing access to the other forces arriving to aid our mission. Along with several other groups, Major Wallace was to lead us through the castle in search of those loyal to the ambassador. They would be given the opportunity to renounce their allegiance to him. If they refused, we were to kill them.

Our known allies would all be wearing the new insignia of the king, and those wishing to pledge their allegiance would be given the option. Those loyal to the ambassador wouldn't be expecting a fight to begin with. They wouldn't be aware of the number at the king's command, most likely believing him to be weak and simpleminded, and would therefore have no cause to feign allegiance. Also many of the officers had plenty of motivation in the form of bribery to remain loyal to the ambassador, so identifying them wouldn't be a problem.

It felt wonderful to charge into the fray, knowing that my death wasn't a certainty.

The first several groups we came upon were unprepared as expected, and were easily taken care of. But within the hour, word spread, and the ambassador's men had the chance to organize somewhat and put up resistance. They were still no match for us. We were more numerous and more prepared.

I lost track of how many men I fought, and after a while I became irritated that we hadn't come upon the captain. The promise of his death after the battle wasn't nearly as enticing as killing him this way. I'd prepared for this exact fight since I was nine years old and I knew I'd feel bereft if I didn't get it.

"Stop, please!" The man I was closing in on held his hands in the air. "I'm loyal to the king!"

I paused, unsure. Initially, he'd had the chance like everyone else to renounce the ambassador, but had showed no sign of surrendering until I had him backed into a corner with most of the rest of his allies already dead. As I stood over him, I wasn't naive enough to believe that his plea was completely sincere. He just didn't want to die. Normally it wouldn't matter to me, but now I couldn't help my hesitancy. After fighting along side Major Wallace and several other decent men at the king's command, not to mention the fact that General Graham and men like him were out there fighting for us at the moment, I began feeling guilt for all the soldiers I'd casually killed over the last few years. What if they weren't like the captain at all? What if were only doing as they were commanded, not thinking there was another option? I knew many of them were like him, so I didn't feel too sorry for what I'd done. But I also wasn't sure I could continue the same way with the knowledge that I now possessed.

"I hear you're looking for Captain Shields." He pounced on my delay, and I couldn't help but be intrigued. I wasn't aware that my vendetta was common knowledge, but at the moment I didn't care if I gained information on his whereabouts.

"He's guarding the ambassador in the north tower," he said. "He won't be expecting you."

I stared, undecided about what I was going to do with him. I wasn't inclined to believe what he said about his loyalties, but he did just give me some valuable information.

"Do it." William was suddenly beside me, frowning down at the man. "We're moving on and he had his chance."

I looked between the two of them, not convinced and not wanting to deal with this man any longer.

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