Chapter 14

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"Is it safe to approach?"

I'd noticed Owen standing off to the side for several minutes, so I wasn't surprised when he came closer and spoke.

I was teased mercilessly by almost everyone on the never-ending walk back to camp. The ridicule only increased when we arrived and the story was able to be told to everyone who wasn't there to witness it for themselves.

In the short time since returning, I'd given out two black eyes. It would have been more if Stephen hadn't stopped me. At the moment, I was working off my frustration, practicing my aim. Owen had been wise to give me the time to think about answering his question before coming closer. Although, I'm sure the fact that I was using a weapon had influenced that decision pretty heavily.

Not looking away from the target, I released the arrow and watched as it sailed to the center as usual.

"I'm not angry with you." I glanced at him before retrieving another arrow.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that." The relief in his tone almost made me smile.

"It's not your fault my brothers have decided to treat me like a child." I positioned my arrow and squinted at the target again.

"It's a little bit my fault," he joked.

I knew the irritated look I attempted to give him was ruined by my amusement and Owen laughed.

"You make them nervous," he said.

"I make them nervous?" What about my nerves? This whole situation was new and somewhat terrifying, and my brothers weren't helping.

"From what I've heard, you've never been very interested in that sort of thing."

Heat rose in my cheeks and I focused on the target again to have anything else to look at.

"They aren't sure what to expect from you, or how you'll react," he explained.

"It's none of their business," I grumbled, releasing the arrow and wrinkling my nose when it landed far too wide thanks to my unease at the conversation.

"I agree," he said. "But they love you too much to stay out of it."

"They're idiots." There wasn't much conviction in my voice. I couldn't deny that my brothers' behavior was a sign that they cared, and I suppose that mattered more than anything else.

Owen was quiet for a few minutes while I fired two more arrows.

"I was wondering something." The sudden apprehension in his tone made my pulse speed up and I had to force myself to meet his eyes.

"I didn't have the chance to... I mean, Stephen sort of interrupted before I could see if you..."

He wanted to know how I would have reacted. If I'd have smiled or if I'd have hit him after he kissed me. The color deepened in my face, but his stammering made me smile.

"I just want to make sure we're thinking the same thing. Do you, uh...?"

"I don't know yet, Owen. I mean, it's...different than..." Apparently, it was my turn to stutter. "I'm not sure what I'm feeling right now, but... I think I might..."

"Okay." He smiled, apparently satisfied with my answer. Thank goodness!

"So," he said after a slightly awkward pause. "You ready to have that contest now?" With a twinkle in his eye, he nodded at the bow in my hand. "Or are you going to make another excuse to get out of it?"

I raised my chin. "I was only trying to spare you more embarrassment."

"Well then I guess it's a good thing no one is here to witness my shame."

"If you think you can keep up," I said dismissively, hoping I wouldn't have to eat my words.

I moved to a new target and began shooting as Owen got his own supplies.

He hadn't even stopped walking when he fired off his first shot. My jaw dropped when his arrow landed perfectly in between my two of mine. I couldn't have been sure to make that shot while standing still, and I knew I was finally going to have some real competition.

Owen laughed at my expression. "I think I'll manage."

I grinned and was just about to grab another arrow when movement in my peripheral vision caught my attention.

Fifty feet away, Jeremy leaned against a tree with his arms crossed, staring intently at me and Owen. A quick scan for Stephen told me that he was watching too. He was glancing between us and the block of wood he was pretending to carve, so at least he was trying to be covert. But still. Even Aaron's attention seemed a little too focused in this direction.

"You have got to be kidding," I grumbled. What did they expect to happen?

I put my hands on my hips and glared at Jeremy. He only raised his eyebrows as if to ask what I intended to do about it.

Alright, fine. If he was going to stand there and watch me like a weirdo, I'd give him something to watch!

"Owen, don't read too much into what I'm about to do. Right now I'm only making a point."


Grabbing his chin, I pulled his face to mine and cut off whatever he was about to say.

He was surprised, but didn't take long to respond. Only intending to give my brothers something to stew over, I hadn't thought as far as the feelings that would rise up inside of me. But rise up, they did, and by the time I pulled away from Owen, I almost completely forgot what I was trying to do.

"You have my permission to make as many points as you'd like," he joked and I had to force a straight face before I turned my attention back to Jeremy.

He had taken a few steps in this direction and was now glowering at us with his hands balled into fists. Folding my arms across my chest, I dared him to keep standing there. I'm sure Owen wouldn't mind another demonstration.

Jeremy must have realized what I had in mind if he stayed, so he reluctantly turned and sulked back to join everyone else. Many of them were now focused on us as well. Shock, amusement, or both colored their faces.

Sighing, I took aim at the target again, planning on ignoring our audience. I knew my brothers would still be paying attention to me, but maybe now they wouldn't be so overbearing about it.

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