"Akura-ou, nothing... Please..." She started to sob out.

The shopkeeper came back in the front and Akura-ou didn't hesitate to slice his head off with his black claws. The man's head is on the ground, rolling while his body just fell with a loud thump.

"Akura-ou!" Takara raised her voice. She didn't want to see him kill anymore.

"You listen to me, if someone ever speaks ill of you, I will kill them. These worms are nothing to me and I will not let them put you down. Do I make myself clear!?" He clenched his teeth while holding her shoulders firmly.

Takara bit her lip and nodded.

"What did he say?"

"He thinks I'm with you for your money or whatever," Takara confessed.

Akura-ou began to laugh. "Little does he know that I simply kidnapped you!"

Takara felt a small smile forming on her lips. It is funny, she supposes but it hurts that someone thought of her as a whore...

"Hey, stop crying already... I took care of the problem!" He grunted.

"Sorry," she whispered.

He hugged her tight and she hesitated, but she hugged him back. He kissed her on top of the head before escorting her out of the kimono shop. I guess they will have to go to another shop since he killed the shopkeeper...


Akura-ou surprisingly didn't kill anyone else yet Takara did feel like people were judging her for being with him but she simply ignored them. They have bought a lot of stuff for her and they are now in the mansion, relaxing in the master's bedroom.

Takara's parents always told her to ignore people that mock her yet it felt nice that Akura-ou stuck up for her even though she didn't think killing the shopkeeper was necessary.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Akura-ou asked her.

"Nothing. I want to thank you for sticking up for me earlier. Yeah, I didn't think you should've killed that man but you were the first person who has ever stuck up for me and I am grateful..."

Akura-ou grinned at her gratitude. "It's nothing... I can't let anyone speak ill of you for you are my mate after all."

Takara blushed while Akura-ou laughed at her. He then ordered her to open her mouth so he can feed her these little candies he has bought in town.

They are round and each one is a different color. She immediately let the candy melt in her mouth. It was really good.

"Here, have more," he ordered while he shoved more in her mouth, causing her to choke.

Akura-ou chuckled while she swallowed them all. She scowled at him yet she began to laugh. Akura-ou does love to tease people and play pranks on them...

Takara still doesn't understand Akura-ou. He's not cold but he's very ruthless and loud. He loves to laugh and smile... He's very different from any strong yokai or person of that manner.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Akura-ou asked while leaning into her.

"You're too close!" She gasped.

Akura-ou showed off his fangs before kissing her lips sweetly. He loved being around this woman. She wasn't boring at all which really surprises him. He thinks women are troublesome and annoying yet he doesn't mind constantly being by Takara's side.

"You're starting to smell... You should let me wash you," he smirked.

"I smell?!" Takara immediately sniffed her hair while Akura-ou laughed obnoxiously. He was kidding yet he loved her reactions.

"No, but let's take a bath together, anyways..." His voice trailed.

They both went into the private bath and Akura-ou couldn't keep his hands off of her.

Takara knew she is letting her guard down but she doesn't mind... She saw a strange side of Akura-ou today and she secretly likes it. Akura-ou has NEVER stuck up for anyone before Takara. He will try his hardest to make her smile and if someone hurts her, he will not hesitate to kill.


They both are cuddling on the bed and Takara had the comb he has given her a couple of days ago. She cannot stop staring at it. She loves it so much.

"Man, you stare at the comb more than you stare at me," Akura-ou said in a whine.

"Akura-ou?" Takara chuckled at his words.

He immediately took it out of her grasp and set it on the nightstand. He then held onto her while she drowned in his scent. How can a monster smell so good?

Akura-ou made sure to hold her tight so she doesn't escape even though he knows that she is starting to fall for him. He knew she would like him sooner or later but he wants to make sure to keep an eye on her. He doesn't want to lose her... She is too valuable to him.  

Warm ( Akura-ou X OC )Where stories live. Discover now