Chapter 11

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I try to sleep because it's already late but I can't sleep. I just keep on thinking about Theo. What if we'll never see each other again?

The morning came and it was sunny. I felt so empty and my throat is so dry from all the crying last night and my eyes bulged.

I eat my breakfast and rush to the cemetery since it's Gus's burial today. I arrive but I see no Theo anywhere. I only went to the burial to pay respects.

It's already 12:00 so I drive to Theo's house trying to check of he's still there and so that we can fix things up. I miss him. I miss our cuddles, how he greets me good morning and I miss all of him.

I arrive at Theo's house but it's only his mom in the living room.

"Good morning, is Theo here?"

"You must be Shailene. Come sit."

She offers me a seat and I take it.

"Theo told me a lot about you. I suppose that you are his girlfriend. Theo is already heading to the airport and I know how hard it is for him to leave."

"I should go. I need to catch up. I can't let him go like that."

"Then do it. Do it because you love him."

I run to the door and wave goodbye to his mom. I drive the car so fast on my way to the airport. Theo's mom knows how we love each other. She was so gentle and so kind.

I arrive at tge airport which os real far from our place. I check my watch and it's already 2:30. The flight is at 3:00. I run to where my legs could bring me.

I ask the lady in tbe desk if the flight to Australia already left. "Ma'am, they are already getting ready to leave."

I run to tge elevator and as soon as I get out I see a plane leaving.

Australian Airlines.

He left. No more chance. I fall down to my knees and cry acting like a kid whose mom had left her.

I feel somebody tapping my shoulder.

"Are you okay? Is there anything I could do to help you?"

The voice sounds familiar. I get back to my knees and wipe my eyes and the blurr from it's tears.

I turn and there I see Theo.

He is kneeling with a small box in his hand.

I couldn't hide my feelings so tge tears fall once again.

There are people at his back with flowers and papers saying: Will you marry me?

"Shailene Dianne Woodley, the love of my life who I can't live without, will you marry me?"

"Theodore Peter James, I do and forever I'll love you."

Tears of joy are filling up my eyes then he puts the ring to my finger then he stands. He walks toward me gracefully and kisses me passionately on the lips.

I hear cheers of people and my heart is cheering up too. We stop kissing and we walk back to the elevator. A man with a violin is there and there are rose petals on the ground.

Theo hugs me while the man is playing a melow song while the elevator is going down.

When we reach the parking lot I ask him, "Did you plan all of these things up?"

"The Australia thing wasn't even true. I made all these for you."

"Theo, thank you so much. I love you."

"I love you too."

He kisses my mouth and our tongues touch. He releases and we drive our way back home.

While he is driving, I stare at my ring which is very beautiful. The crytals spark like how I see Theo's eyes. It must be very expensive but nothing is more expensive than my love for Theo.


Thank you so much for reading!! I hope you guys enjoyed!

I love you all and don't forget to comment or vote about the end.

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