Chapter 23

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Chapter Twenty-Three


I couldn't believe my eyes. She was really here to save me when I treated her like shit although she deserved it but she still came to my rescue.

Mê: Long time no see ( I said to Kyla she moved in front of India .. I quickly moved behind India and grabbed her from behind choking her with my arm while Kyla begin punching her in the face and stomach) .. Good thing she already had her Baby or it would have been dead. I've tried with India I have but she just doesn't listen to me at all. She bring stuff upon herself it's not my fault, she hates me I could care less about what she does in life. Kyla then tied India up and we walked out life bosses .. Then something came to me

Mê: Have you seen my phone !

Kyla: Yeah, Here it's still in good shape..

Me: Thanks

I called Jaden

Jaden: Hello

Mê: Yo Hi Jaden It's Breanna you might want to come get yo girl from the Beetsville ( Made up )

Warehouse .. There Is A Surprise waiting on you don't hesitate ..

Jaden: What You Mean !!

Mê: I mean how she tried to kill Mê and she kidnapped Mê and Kyla came to my rescue if you don't believe Mê Kyla is right here and I have the threatening messages so don't try and act like she wouldn't try it . But at least she should have known she wouldn't win. Ya know I don't have time ... Bye ..

I then hung up .. Kyla and I were still in the car.

Kyla: So

Mê: Oh Yea Just To Let You Know You Still Hurt Mê To The Core And We Are Mot Getting Back Friends That Quick So I Hope You Weren't Expecting Us To Because We Have A Long Way To Go But We Can Be Acquaintances but No more or less !

By the time I finished I was outside my house and Kyla looked sad

Mê: Im sorry if Im hurting you feelings but YOU brung this upon yourself so you need cheer up maybe life will get easier for you!

Sooner or later she'll get it but I hope she gets it fast because I miss my best friend

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