Part 11

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Apparently, during the night it was announced that Black had, once again, managed to escape and we were sent back to the dormitory after it being declared safe to enter. The Fat Lady was replaced by the portrait of a short, stubby knight, due to the fact that she was hiding, too scared to return to Gryffindor Tower.

“Well” said Ron at breakfast “he can’t be too far away, though if I was him then I’d have scarpered and left the country by now considering all of those years he’s been locked away. I mean, what chance does he actually have at getting Harry whilst he’s still here?”

“He got in once, Ron” Hermione replied darkly “and he’ll be able to do it again though I do think that he is stupid to try and get to Harry whilst Dumbledore is around.”

“For once, the mudblood is right” a dry sneer sounded behind us. I looked around and saw Malfoy, my brother, for once completely alone. He was standing behind us with that usual stupid smirk on his face.

“We don’t remember asking for your opinion, Malfoy” I spat at him. “Now run along and join your little friends at your own table.”

Everyone was staring at him as he bent down and whispered into my ear “you know there’s still time for you to behave and actually act like my sister.”

I snorted “the fact that I’m related to you doesn’t actually mean that I have to be nice to you; it’s just a bit of bad luck for me; now go away!”

Malfoy didn’t step away from me until my father approached us “Mr Malfoy, please step away from Lilliana and go and join your own table.”

“Yes sir” he sneered before turning to grin maliciously at me and returning to his table.

My hands were shaking with rage so I picked up my goblet of pumpkin juice just for something to do. I swigged it back in one go and took a deep breath before turning to my father and saying “thanks...”

He surveyed me for a moment or two before nodding and saying “if he bothers you again, let me know and I’ll deal with him” before sweeping away.

“What did he say to you?” Harry asked as soon as dad was out of earshot.

I shrugged “basically just saying that I can be his friend if I want to be.”

“And you said?” asked Ron.

“Told him to get stuffed; what does it even matter?” I asked irritably.

“It doesn’t” Ron scowled “I was just asking; yeesh, calm down.”

I didn’t know that Malfoy could annoy me as much as he done now and I just snapped. “Calm down!” I shrieked, loud enough for our half of the Gryffindor table to fall silent and watch “why don’t you shut up and leave me alone?” I suggested angrily “All of you!” I added when Harry opened his mouth to speak. I slammed my empty goblet down onto the table and stormed out of the hall, up past the second floor and ran, slap bang, right into Professor Lupin.

“Lilliana!” He exclaimed in surprise as he caught me. “We seem to making this a habit.” He was referring to the last time this happened when I was running away my dad on our first evening here.

“Sure” I grunted as I tugged my arms out of his grip and went to pass around him but the ground lurched beneath me and I found myself, oddly, on my hands and knees totally unable to stand up. It felt like some kind of explosion was goin on in my head like a headache, only worse. Everything seemed to disapparate around me before reappearing again and, just when I thought it had all stopped, I felt my energy drain from my head, down my body and out through my toes and I could tell that Lupin saw it too by the look on his face. My entire body began to shake as the nausea hit and my arms gave way, causing me to drop onto the cold stone floor.

Within seconds Lupin was on his knees, by my side. “Lilly?” He sounded calm yet worried “can you hear me?”

I was concentrating so hard on not vomiting that I could barely even remember how to talk but I managed a simple “yes” though it sounded like mush.

The symptoms went just as quickly as they’d come and I became fully aware that I was laying on the floor panting and sweating with Lupin kneeling over me. What the heck was that? I thought to myself as I rolled over and sat up. My head was still pounding and I winced as a jolt shot across my forehead.

“Are you ok?” Lupin frowned, his hands hovering over me as if trying to source the location of the pain.

“I think so” I grimaced “just a headache...”

“Well, go on up to the hospital wing and see the matron” he instructed as he rose to his feet and then helped me up; he still looked a little unsure, expecting me to drop down again.

I headed off without complaint, anything that makes this pain go away is completely worth it but I couldn’t help thinking that I always seem to get ill when Lupin’s around. My heart jolted as I thought of him and I groaned; I knew exactly what that feeling is and it wasn’t at all welcome.

“What happened to you?” Harry asked as I finally slid into greenhouse three. He looked a little wary, expecting me to shout again.

“Ran into Lupin in the hallway” I replied; I actually felt a lot better now that my head had been sorted. “We got chatting.”

Harry nodded and then turned back to the puffapod that we were supposed to be harvesting.

Remus Lupin isn’t old but something has worn him to make him look older, stress maybe? The state of his clothes didn’t help matters very much but his eyes were a bright, sparkling brown and they captivated me. He was nothing like Harry, of course there was the age difference but their personalities were completely the opposite; Harry was nosey to say the least but he was driven and courageous whereas Lupin wasn’t quite as upfront about it, I could tell he was brave but he’s also very caring and soft, very interested about the welfare of the students. Of course I liked them both, Harry as much as he liked me and Lupin...well...I probably liked him far too much than I really should and it’s already breaking my heart.

Well, a bit of a teacher crush going on there, eh? It isn't abnormal; I don't know anyone who hasn't crushed on a teacher and I'm no exception.

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