Chapter One

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Hermione walked through the crowded corridor with brisk steps, clutching the worn out Potions textbook, some paper and a quill that she had managed to nab, between her arms. After waking up slightly disoriented this morning she had willed herself to immediately fit into the flow of things. She had a limited amount of time after all.

Find him.

Fuck with him.

Finish him.

Hermione repeated the mantra over and over in her head.

She came to a stop in front of the classroom and took in a deep breath. What if he was there? Should she look him the eyes and try to establish a connection or should she pay him no heed and walk towards a seat? Should she sit near him or far away? Every tiny detail mattered.

Tom Marvolo Riddle was alas, a beast of a complexity. A tiger who would either let her into his den or tear her to shreds in seconds. One wrong move with him and it could very well cost her her life. All their lives.

Her heart lurched at the thought of her friends.

The cool air from chamber greeted her, providing some relief from the blistering heat outside. The room was dimly lit and from the quick scan she was certain that he hadn't walked in yet.

You'd think the infamously perfect Head Boy would be in class already.

She picked a seat in the middle of the class and began to settle in when she received a quick tap on her shoulder.

"Excuse me, this is my seat"

Hermione jumped at the words and found herself to be face to face with a slender brunette. Her hair was primly set into a plait, not a single hair out of place. Uniform was regulation length, crisp and clean. Her mouth was twisted into a grimace like she had sucked on a lemon and she looked at the annoyance down the length of her sharp pointed nose.

"Apologies, I'm new and thought this seat was free", said Hermione

The girl's demeanor changed at once. Her quick brown eyes flitted to Hermione's plain black robes and lack of tie and pieced it together.

"You must be Hermione Blackwood, the student from Romania. Ahh yes yes, Professor Dippet filled me in on you last night...must've slipped my mind. I'm Minerva McGonagall, the Head Girl. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." She extended her hand in greeting.

Hermione knew she would come across young McGonagall at some point but she still wasn't prepared. She discreetly wiped her sweaty palm on her robe and shook her hand. In her heart she said a prayer to whoever was listening. Minerva would make a good friend and ally, if there was anyone who could sniff out what Riddle got up to and help her it was her.

"The seat next to me is free. Please, you can sit here." She signaled to the empty chair as began to set up her own books.

When they were seated, Minerva turned towards Hermione.

"Are you all settled in the guest chambers? Any problems?"

"None at all thank you. Every thing is fine." Hermione folded her hands in her lap.

Minerva plucked Hermione's class schedule from the desk and compared it with her's.

"We have the same classes. Perhaps you should stick by me for today" she twirled the quill in her hand "Thats only if you haven't already made some friends already of course, I understand that the school can be confusing with for a newcomer"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2017 ⏰

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