"You would not have broken her like that if you truly loved her."

I see a flash of pain in his dark grey eyes. His fist is clenched. "It wouldn't have come to this if you didn't show up. They see your strength and wonder why our pack doesn't have that."

"You don't need strength with arm to be a true leader. I'm strong because that is one of my Talents." I growl, "Your forever mate is hurting and-"

"YOU THINK I DO NOT KNOW THAT?!?" He screams, standing up. He takes a deep breath, "I'm sorry. You just don't understand forever mates. If one hurts, the other will hurt. They will be harmed beyond belief if they are the ones to do the hurting. Everything hurts right now for me. All I want to do is to hold Daisy in my arms and assure her it is okay. But I can't. Not without the pack looking at me like I am a fool." He whimpers which reminds me of Baron, "It's so painful. I can't do this."

"Go to her. She'll want you. She needs you if she is hurting as much as you are."

His voice breaks, sounding alone, "I can't....I told her I was with you now and-"

"You shouldn't have done that." I hear Cadmar growls from beside me, "She's with me." His arm protectively comes around my waist and pulls me into him.

"I didn't realize....I'm so sorry Alpha Cadmar. I'll-"

"Go to your mate that you love." I command, remembering that I have that ability.

Cedric bows his head, "Yes Alpha Ethel. I will go to Daisy. And I will apologize. I only have hope she will accept me."

He goes past us and down the ladder. We follow closely behind, weaving through all the homes and wolf people with him. He stops before a small hut. He tries to knock on the door but it just swings open.

A little ball of cloth is huddle up on the floor in the dark. I can almost guarantee that it is Daisy. "My mate." Cedric breaths.

Daisy turns around and I can see the tears in her eyes, "You rejected me."

"No. I was being irrational and stupid, love. I love you." Cedric seems to fly over to Daisy's side, helping her up.

"You said you love the other woman, the one who is strong and is named Ethel." Daisy whimpers, "You said I'm not strong enough to lead a pack with you." A sob breaks from her.

"No! You are strong enough. We will just work on that a bit. You were always more of a healer anyways, and you also are a human which is unnatural for the pack to have a Luna human. But the Moon Queen accepts you and I accept you."

"Are you sure Cedric?"


Daisy finally notices Cadmar and me over here by the doorway. Her eyes are a brilliant emerald color that seems to stare straight into my heart. Her hair tumbles around her in waves of red and reaches her waist. "Hello Daisy, I am Ethel."

She nods, "You know me. I'm Daisy and it's nice to see you again Cadmar."

"Nice to see you too Daisy. Trouble in paradise?" He snickers.

I turn and punch his arm, "Hey that isn't nice!" I growl.

I hear Cedric and Daisy laughing from my side. "How could've pups like you found your forever mate already?" Daisy laughs.

"Forever mates?" We both say.

"You'll see what I mean when your older." She sighs. "But it's a wonderful thing, just gonna say."

"But we are humans. And who do you mean as our forever mates?" I ask.

"Don't ask silly questions child. Your beautiful and that's all you need to know. Who did your hair?" She asks with a slight smirk.

"Erhm....Cadmar did it for me."

"My point exactly. Now run off to do your own problems. Peace is all restored, right honey?" Daisy says, nuzzling into Cedric's neck.

He lets out a happy sigh, "Yes my love. I'm sorry for ever abandoning you."

"Your forgiven." She murmurs.

Cadmar, Baron, and me slowly back out of Daisy's home. Time to give them some alone time I'm guessing. "Let's head back to the house." Cadmar smiles at me.

"Yea." I say simply. But I can't get what Daisy said out of my head. Forever mates? Did she mean Cadmar and me? Pffftt, yea right.
They got back together in the end! Isn't that sweet? Daisy and Cedric back together. Let's just hope there's no more problems in the wolf pack eh?

And what about that bit about forever mates? Hmmmmm...I wonder....

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Stay beautiful<3

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