02. Kiss Stealer

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"You sure you can survive alone?" Taehyung chuckled at Jimin's words.

"Yah, I'm not 10," Taehyung shrugged his shoulders as if he's showing off the broad shoulders of his. Jimin cocked his eyebrow, smirking.

"Says the one who's whining for his girlfriend to shower him," Taehyung's eyes widened and Jimin took one step of prevention earlier which was running away towards the others into the van.

"Take care," Jin said before receiving a timid nod from the younger male. Jin then pulled the door, closing it. The manager quickly drove away since it's getting late.

But Taehyung still wanted to stop by Yoonji's house. It's been like weeks after the last time they met. His hectic schedule sure is a pain in the ass either for him or Yoonji.

Hugging himself tight, he set his way to his girlfriend. Night air sure super chilling till his spine but it refreshed his lethargic body.

He scrolled through his chat with Yoonji as he's walking. She haven't read his last message. Taehyung sighed in disappointment. She must be super busy with her presentation and so on.

Finally, he arrived. Taehyung stretched his neck muscles upwards to the second floor only to found Yoonji's room already dark. Taehyung inhaled deeply, and again, disappointed. He missed her very much.

Taehyung stuck in his hand and drew Yoonji's house keys out from his hoodie's pocket. The door creaked as he pushed it slowly.

His eyes adjusted in the darkness while he's finding his way towards the stairs. With light steps, he reached Yoonji's room in no time.

He twisted the door knob and pushed it inside. His gaze immediately inverted towards a figure, sleeping peacefully on the bed. He gazed around the room.

He smiled at the present of his pictures on Yoonji's working desk. To be exact, their pictures. The desk was in such a mess with the paper works and notebooks but the frames was arranged neatly, showing how she appreciated the memories of theirs.

Taehyung turned his gaze back to Yoonji. He pulled out his hands and bent down to take a closer look on Yoonji's calm expression. Their faces was like an inch away.

His stares started from her hairline, down to her neat eyebrow, small beautiful pair of eyes, cute nose and plump lips. That lips.. He gulped hard at the sight of Yoonji's pretty pink lips.

Hesitating, he looked around for someone. He then set his lips closer, and closer, and closer until their lips touched. Taehyung shut his eyes, feeling Yoonji's soft lips against his.

He can heard Yoonji's soft snores while the sweet kiss continued. Taehyung opened his eyes.

His heart jumped so much that he can hear his own heartbeat, thumping his chest. It's been years since they're dating but Yoonji still can make him feel this excitement.

Taehyung pulled away at Yoonji's sudden moves. Yoonji grunted silently but thankfully, she didn't awake. Taehyung grabbed the blanket, covering Yoonji's small body with it.

"Sleep well, my love," Taehyung spoke with his deep voice. He stepped away after a quick peck on her forehead. Before he can even calm his heart, he was surprised by an unexpected guest, standing at the doorway.

"No wonder the main door is unlocked," Haneul grinned while crossing her arms. Taehyung rubbed his neck with his palm. He never feel so awkward with Haneul before.

A heavy sigh left Haneul's small lips. She eyed Taehyung before said,

"Make sure you lock the door. Rob is no joke in this neighborhood," Taehyung nodded obediently at her words. Haneul is way smaller than him but somehow she have an unknown charismatic aura that will make you feel intimidated around her.

"What are you doing here?" He changed the subject. Haneul fixed her cardigan while looking around.

"I've been sleeping here since you're always not home," Haneul explained while keeping her stern expression.

"Sorry for the troubles," His voice sounded guilty and that caught Haneul's attention.

"She need a company, so am I. It's a win-win situation. I told ya, those thieves can get in here anytime," Her expression turned calmer since Taehyung felt so bad towards Yoonji.

"But you know what?" Taehyung looked back onto Haneul's gaze.

"Yoonji eonni sure doesn't mind having a kiss thief like you every night," Haneul gave him a wink before walking away, leaving him dumbfounded. Soft pink shades can be seen on his cheeks.

"Don't you dare to tell her..." He muttered. Haneul stopped on her track and Taehyung clearly heard her chuckles.

"I won't. For now," Taehyung was flushed in embarrassment that he can't even get mad at that little sneaky girl.

- By hana_iyagi

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