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Josh's Pov

I was in the middle of a meeting when I got the text from Vik.

Daddyy when will you be home?

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and look up. Trying to focus on the meeting. "Josh mate. Everything all right? You look kinda red." I look at Simon and smile. "Oh yeah I'm fine don't worry bout me. Let's continue with the meeting." The meeting continued smoothly till I had another text from Vik.

Daddy come home. I need you.
Or I can just help myself.
No one's here to stop me.

Vik knows how to get his way and how to push my buttons. And he did exactly that.

Don't you dare.
Touch yourself I won't let you cum for a week.
Do you really want to go through that?

But Daddy.
I need it.
I need you.

I can feel my pants tighten as i read the message. I have to leave this meeting and i have to leave now. "Hey guys I'm sorry I'm really not feeling so well. I think I'm gonna head home if that's alright with you." Everyone nods and quickly says goodbye as i grab my things and run out of the conference room. I get in my car and call Vik. "Hello?" "Really baby boy you couldn't wait till after my meeting?" He giggles and I can basically see him smiling. "So is Daddy coming home?" I can help but smile and laugh "Yeah daddy's coming home. But I want you to prep and be ready for me when I get home got that baby boy?" "Yes Daddy." I nod in approval and say goodbye.

-Skip the rest of the boring car ride-

I open the door to hear Vik's moans. I quickly run up the stairs and enter our room. As soon as I see Vik i couldn't help myself. I ripped off my clothes and pounce on Vik. "You think you can tease me like that and get away with it?" Vik is a mess with no words coming out of his mouth. He shakes his head no. "I'm sorry Daddy please I needed you." "Well you have me."

Hiya it's me. Again sorry not amazing writing stuff like this worth a shot. Anyways vote, comment, do what ya wanna do. Thanks for reading.
-Non Edited-

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2017 ⏰

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