She looks just like you

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I woke up and got ready to go back to the dorm and sleep peacefully without anyone touching me. When i was done, I woke Peridot up and told her to get ready. After twenty minutes later, she was done and the four of us were ready to go back.  It was a quiet ride until we reached the dorm. I got out of the door and some block mates of mine approached me asking what happened to my bruises, I just told them a little white lie. 

When we reached to our dorm, i plopped down my bed while waiting for Peridot with the other luggage. Sometime later, Peridot came back with the luggage and went out again then came back again. 

A/N: XD Hahaha.

She came back with a cage and put it near the bathroom door. She closed the front door and put the cage on her bed and took the covers off. 

It was a cat but

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It was a cat but........ green? with a triangle hair? wait, what? Is that really a cat? "Look Lazuli, It's a green cat!" Peridot said putting it outside of the cage. "To be honest with you, she looks just like you." I said trying to laugh but my ribs hurt as fuck then the cat jumped from Peridot's hands to my bed. "What's up lil' Peridot." I said as I pet her head. "Where did you find her? he? is it bisexual?" i said as i put my comforter on. "i found HER before i saved you and the others." "Oh please dont bring up that topic again, it only wants me to shiver." I said to Peridot.

Time skip to night time...

I woke up by the sound of my alarm clock, i dont even know why i alarmed it at this time, i checked my phone to see some messages and notifications and other stuffs. I scrolled down and saw a text from my mom. 


Mom: Honey, Citrine will be here on Thursday for your Graduation

Mom: He said he wants to hang out with your childhood friend Peridot

Lapis: Sounds good to me mom but can you call him to go there in Thursday morning?

Mom: Okay sweetie

Citrine is like our childhood friend and by our i mean me and Peridot. Citrine doesn't know Peridot had an accident, so im gonna need to tell him that first thing in Thursday morning which i have to tell him EVERYTHING, also my graduation will be on Saturday and I cant wait for it any longer.

Since it's already 12:18 AM, I'll be scrolling down on my news feed in Instagram and saw a photo of Lapidot_09 

Since it's already 12:18 AM, I'll be scrolling down on my news feed in Instagram and saw a photo of Lapidot_09 

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Like what the fuck? Why would my mom name me over a gem? But since my name sounds pretty, eh why not choc nut. I like her drawings, eyy look! Some people who i can follow on Instagram, FINALLY! Some times, I wonder if I can just go out with Lapidot_09, maybe will turn out good. (A/N: hahaha let's see) After scrolling some more I took a nap while thinking of the meet up and i just realized that today is Thursday. 


Thanks for voting, reading, commenting and adding my story to your reading lists. thanks very much. 

Also follow me on Instagram @Lapidot_09 *as seen above* also this book will be having 26 chapters only. Wait for the second book and stay tuned to this book. 

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