Chapter 54

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So we left the motel and headed to the police station to get some answers about the murders. Luckily I had an outfit for this.

"Hello. Can I help you two?

"Yes. Agents Waters and Young. We're here about the murders".

"Oh ok. Yeah it's the strangest thing. We have one of the people in question in a cell".

"Can we talk to them?"

"Sure. Just be careful".

We walked back towards the cells and stopped when the officer stopped. "Here she is. Just yell if you need help". The officer walked away.

"Well hello aren't you a pretty thing?"


"Not you. Her. Although I do admit you are fairly attractive. My goddess would like you both".

"First what the hell are you talking about and second why did you murder that married couple?"

"I was told to do so by my goddess"

"Wait I thought goddesses were used in terms of mythology and what not. You're apart of witchcraft".

"And she's so smart too oh heavens dear you should join us. Your beauty matches the goddess's. She appreciates things that are so beautiful like you".

"Just answer the damn question and sorry I don't swing that way".

"That's a shame my goddess would love to-".

"She said no. Just answer the question or so help me."

"It's okay. I got this".

"Well isn't that sweet? You two are together. And my goddess prefers for us to call her that. She's a goddess of the night and performs witchcraft and we bring back souls for her beauty".

"That's just horrible. Yes, it's a shame but we all feed off her beauty to stay beautiful ourselves. You should at least go to an full moon ritual. You don't have to join. She accepts mostly only women but men are allowed too it just depends".

"When is it and what do I wear?"

"In two days and a dress. A white one for you my dear. Since you are undecided and the rest of them wear black or red".

"I think we have enough information for now. Thanks officer".

We got into the impala and Dean rubbed his face. "Are you seriously thinking about doing this?"

"Dean, it's really our only chance to take this whoever down".

"Well you're not going in alone. Me and Sam are going in and I'll even call Cas to back you and us up".

"Is this because you don't want to see me hurt Dean".

"Yes, but I'd do this for anyone".

My phone rang.

"Hey Sam".

"Did you find anything?"

"Yeah we'll explain it when we get to the motel".


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