Don't Know

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  I don't know anymore. My life has come to a point where I don't have any clue what to do. So much drama, so many problems, alot of insecurities. Why is life this way, making you wonder what your life has come to. It's puzzling. The world makes no sense to me what so ever (comment if your the same way.) I wonder if I'll ever figure it out. Maybe, maybe not. I can't see the future. Also, I'm sorry I took such a long break, but I'm back now (Yay) and it's not gonna be like that again (I hope), so just keep calm and relax cause I'm not dead or anything like that, so yeah. Well, see ya!!!!! (If anybody wants to know why I want with 'Well, see ya', comment in the comments section!)

Me (A Book About My Life)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora