"Really, really bad" - Chapter 2

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July 3, 2017

Note: Just so everyone is aware from the last chapter is that no you don't look like Jinx, you act somewhat like her. She's my inspiration to help continue writing the story, along with her name for your villain name to help with the story. It's up to you if you want to look like Jinx but I'm just using her name her some of her personality.

     "I'm not going to go home with you, I have better things to do than hanging around with some man dressed in a purple crocodile coat" I spit-taking my hand away from the man.

     "Darling, I'm not just some man" He comments.

     "With a purple crocodile coat," I add on.

He simply hums and guides me off the dance floor and towards the golden themed seats he was sitting at before when I first spotted him staring at me. He sits me down and waves his hand once again like he did before to the security to get rid of the body. I look over at where he is waving at I notice a man walking off, assuming that he already knows what he's asking for. I turn to look back at the Green Haired Man and I notice his hand is covering his mouth which is replaced with a tattoo of a creepy grin. He slowly pulls down his hands and puts out his hand and lowers his body a little just like you would see someone bow.

     "The name," he looks up and grins at me "is Joker," he sits up and tilts his head cracking it then leans forward resting both of his elbows on his legs "don't bother telling me your name." He quickly stands up and smirks darkly.

     "You're the infamous Jinx! The insane crazy head who doesn't fear anything!" He shouts and dramatically puts his arms out like he's yelling to the world yet no one in the club seems to care.

     "And what about it?"

     "What about it?!" He starts to laugh in an over-reactive way "Dollface, you exploded your town to dust without a single fuck given, you got lost in the world of freedom and had at it! You loved the smell of the fire burning flesh and watching the blood boil if it was acid on someone's face." He continues to laugh through his grin as he sits down right next to me. He places his hand on my cheek and slowly moves it behind my head and grips onto my hair, pulling it to the side.

     "But it disgusts me that this look on your face tells me that you can't take the pain of anything that happens to you," He points out to the reaction I gave him towards him pulling on my hair "that can be rearranged though." Joker stands up quickly, still holding onto the handful of hair. He begins to drag me towards a door that I could only capture in the corner of my eye.

I struggle against his grip as I try to get away, even if it meant sacrificing my hair. "Hey! Where in the hell do you think you are taking me?!" I shout as I claw at his hand thinking that he'll let go if I hurt him but knowing Gotham too well on their Villain information, he doesn't even care.

Once he drags me into the room I come face to face with a bed-like-metal-trolley that has straps for the head, legs, and arms attached to it. To this point I now realize why Joker signaled one of his security, which now comes to think of this it is probably one of his goons as he likes to call them, to set up this bed-like-metal-trolley in preparation for me.

Joker shoves me down onto the bench and straps my head in as his men strap my arms and legs down fighting against my resistance of trying to get free.

     "Now, now Darling. There is no real need to struggle. I'm simply...," he thinks about it "trying to help," he pulls the head lamp down so it shines directly in my eyes "I'm going to fix that little brain of yours and turn you into the person you truly should be. Just let go and relax" He hums as he picks up two things which I can't clearly identify due to it not being in my sight.

     "I highly doubt killing me is going to fix anything, let alone there be anything to fix in the first place. You said it yourself, I'm the infamous insane crazy head Jinx" I grit my teeth.

He clicks his tongue multiple times and rubs both of the objects together as my eyes pick up a small flicker of static energy.

     "Oh, I'm not gonna kill ya," He hums and grins darkly "I'm just gonna hurt ya really, really, bad." He laughs maliciously as he places both metal objects to the temples of my head sending electric impulses through me as my screams echo through the room being unheard by those in the club.

//I don't like doing time skips in books but this is needed to pass the 1000 words per chapter limit//

~~Time skip to a week later~~

It's been a while since I've seen broad daylight. All I've been doing for the past few days or was it a week? Months? Years? I don't even know what's right or real anymore. I keep seeing small things in the corner of my eyes as I curl up in the corner of this cage Joker keeps me in. It's not like one of those cells you would find at a jail but its one lifted up from the ground in the center of the room.

Joker usually comes in once or twice every day, or maybe its night, or even days, not that I can tell, there are no windows in this damn room. When Joker does come around he usually brings small things such as the heads of those he killed or something to show off like a stack of cash he promises to share with me later. He also tends to ask questions such as 'What do you like?' or 'What's your favourite thing to eat?' but my answer always ends out to be quieter than a dead man who's been diced into mince.

I've being to slowly open up to him with small glances towards his directions or nods/ shakes to yes or no questions which usually brings a grin to his face. What I have being to notice recently is that every time I get up and move in this cage, I could hear Joker's men is some sort of panic that I'm going to do something to the cage which ends up with Joker storming into the room making sure I'm not trying to figure out a way to escape.

But there is only one thing I hate about being in this cage and that is being forced to take whatever these damn pills I'm being given. the first time I refused I ended up with that shock therapy, from what Joker likes to call it, happening to me again just like the first time at the nightclub.

All I know is that the second Joker or one of his men let me out of this cage is the second I'm killing all of them.

You Don't Own Me - Joker x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt