Coffee and Rings-3

Start from the beginning

We stood where we were, not making a move. Ashton let out a breath, his cheeks puffing out.

"Well, what do we do now?"

"Go talk to her", John answered Ash's question, his eyes still trained on the blue-eyed beauty.

"What? We can't do that. She could be lying for all we know," Stella objected.

"We won't know unless we talk to her. She could be telling the truth for all we know", Callie countered back.

"Yeah, it woldn't hurt to get to know the Hottie" Ash agreed.

"I am giving her a chance", I said firmly, already walking to reach the blue-eyed beauty. I wasn't going to pass up the oppurtunity to know who I once was just beacuse of some doubts. John silently trailed after me, Ash and Callie not far behind. Stella, muttering under her breath, followed suit, not having much of a choice.

I pulled two chairs back for Callie and Stella, taking a seat across the blue-eyed beauty. John sat to my right and Stella to my left. Callie sat between Stella and the blue-eyed beauty. Ash pulled a chair from the near table and placed it near John's making himself comfortable between John and the blue-eyed beauty as only five chairs were kept around the round table.

The blue-eyed beauty took a deep breath muttering a 'where do I start'. I wasn't sure if it was meant for us or not but before I could answer Stella bet me to it.

"From the start," Stella sneered, quite rudely might I add. John gave her a blank stare, silently telling her to shut up.

Everyone were quiet for a moment, the harshness in Stella's voice making all of us a little nervous. It was clear Stella didn't like Mystery Girl and I think she knew it too.

"How about your name?" Callie offered, obvious of the awkward air that was present around us. I leaned in, curious. I was tired of mentioning her as the blue-eyed beauty in my head even though it was true.

"Right, I am Kimberly," Mystery Girl or should I say Kimberly said in a timid voice.

"Full name, babe?," Ash enquired in his flirty voice.

"Kimberly Rochelle," Kimberly answered, looking up from her hands to face us.

John spoke for the first time since we sat down,"Rochelle? As in the daughter of Stacy Rochelle?"

Kimberly nodded her head making her hair move a little.

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. Stacy Rochelle was one of the richest women in the world, top 10 to be exact. She owned the Rochelle Companies which made and sold out electronics, mainly famous for its Computers and Laptops. It acquired the first place in the charts for almost ten tears in a row before the Tall Buildings took its place.

"Who were you to Max?," Stella questioned, her voice thick with distaste. Kimberly frowned a little seemingly confused with Stella's behavior. I too was confused. Stella has a temper, sure, but she never acts like this.

"I was Max's......," Kimberly trailed of, as if thinking of an excuse.

"Bestfriend", she finished.

This time my eyebrows furrowed. Why does it look like she was lying?

"And we should believe you because.......?" Caliie left the question hanging, instead of asking for proof straight on.

Kimberly catching the hidden meaning, pulled a necklace which was hiding beneath her tanktop. "He has a necklace which looks exactly the same as this one."

Suddenly, the necklace hanging around my neck felt heavy, its coldness piercing through my skin. I indeed have a necklace like that with me. It was a necklace with a platinum ring for a dollar, which read 'Together Forever'.

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