Chapter 5- Ren

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Chapter 5- Ren

 We’re at the hardware shop right now, picking out different locks for Kyoko’s house. It should give her a piece of mind for now. I want to question her more about her past with her ex, but I don’t want to upset her even more than she already is. I really hope that Kyoko can get through all this, so we can go on with our lives. I don’t mean our lives, our lives. I just… Suddenly blushing, I try to actually listen to the conversation that Kyoko was having with one of the employees.

“-these will keep out intruders?”

“Yes, it includes a combination as well.”

A smile forms on Kyoko’s lips. Her soft-looking, plump li- FOCUS!

“Okay, I’ll take it.”

“Great! And maybe it’s a bit out of place, but you guys are the cutest couple I’ve helped. Newlyweds?”

I glance at Kyoko for her reaction. She doesn’t say anything, but all she does is try to hide her embarrassed face.

“I’m right, aren’t I?”

It was easy to see the tomato red forming on her porcelain skin. After a toothy grin forms on my face, Kyoko turns to leave after buying the locks.

I catch up with her in the parking lot. It’s now or never.

“Wait! Is it that bad that people think that we look good together?”

“It’s not that, it’s just-.”

“Just what? I-.”

Here it goes now or never.

“I’ve like you for a long time Kyoko. And I don’t see why we can’t give it a try.”

“I don’t know.”

I see that her resolve is crumbling, so I go in for the kill.

“Just one date and if it doesn’t work out, we can act like this never happened.”

The silence begins to kill me slowly as she thinks it over.

“Fine, how about tomorrow night?”

My heart beats out my chest as I practically shout, “yes!”

On the ride back, I just daydreamed for the most part, but try my best to hide my excitement. I lose my train of thought when Kyoko says, “you’re really excited aren’t you.”

“What? N- no I’m not.”

“Right… then explain the goofy smile on your face.”

With that, we arrive at her house. I walk her to the door and help her start installing the locks. After about three were finished, we start to say our goodbyes. Once at the door again, I give her a peck on the cheek and turn to leave with the words, “now look who has a goofy smile. See you tomorrow.”

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