Chapter 1 - Kyoko

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Chapter 1 – Kyoko

 I drive down the highway in the pouring rain. Being too early in the morning, the road is clear of lights and cars alike, except for the dim headlights of my own car. Feeling the heaviness of my eyes, I numbly look forward and barely see the shadow of something on the road. Seeing it’s a person, I quickly slam on the brakes, causing me to jolt forward in my seat. My heart settles back in my chest as I see the hooded person very much alive. Peering closely, I see it’s a guy and then he raises the hood off his head, revealing the last face I would ever want to see again. As realization hits me, a smile slowly creeps onto his face and his voice oozes out my speakers as he says, “I’m back.”

 I bolt up in my bed, drench in a cold sweat. My breathing slows down when it settles in that it was just a dream. I pick up my phone, deciding to call my best friend, Ren, and ask him to stay over because I don’t want to be in the house by myself. Before I look up his number, I’m drawn to look through my pictures to help calm me more. Confused to see that all of them are gone, except for one. I pull it up and it dawns on me: there was a picture in my phone of me sleeping. I live alone. Panicking, I check the whole house, making sure every door and window was shut and completely locked, but they all were already. I call Ren almost instantly as I run back to my room, close the blinds and curtains, and lock the door. Once I step onto my plush carpet, I recieve a text message from an unknown number. “ Hey babe, I felt we didn’t have any pictures together. Love, Sho.” Confused, I go back to my pictures and look at the picture of myself more closely. I suck in my breath after seeing what’s in the background. There’s Sho with a smile on his face, gently holding my sleeping body from behind. He’s found me.

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