Chapter 4- Sho

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Chapter 4- Sho

 HOW DARE HE!?! Coming to MY girlfriend’s house and staying the night. Kyoko is MINE. And nothing will change that. NOTHING! Does he honestly believe that he can just waltz in and steal her away. Or the fact that every SINGLE picture that Kyoko has, HE’S IN THEM. God! I see how he looks at her. It makes me sick how obsess he is with her. He’s just always there and always in the way. This creep… this Ren must really have a death wish. Why can’t he see that Kyoko is in love with me?!

I’ve known that since junior year of high school, when she told me she did. She was my perfect little angel. She couldn’t do anything wrong. Then she changed. With everything she did, my image of her started to crumble. I knew I had to save it. She was ruining OUR LOVE. I don’t think she was doing it on purpose. I mean why would she try to distance herself from me, right? But every time she did . something bad, Kyoko had to be punished. It’s HER fault, she should have stayed perfect FOREVER. Now that I’m back, everything will be perfect again. I love Kyoko and she loves me. And no matter how hard she tries, I will always find a way to unlock her heart… and her front door. Who cares that it has been five years since she accidently press charges and sent me to jail. I mean… we’re soulmates. Until death draws us apart.

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