TDLND - Chapter 5

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Previously on the last chapter...................

"Who's this?" A disturbing raspy voice came from one of them and it made me gasp because the fact that I heard him, completely disturbed me and let me know that they were in fact real. I felt Salvador tense next to me, but then crouched his back, as if in a defense pose, which only made those things  laugh.

The next thing I knew I felt a wind hit my face and one of those things were right in front of me, and before I knew it he had my throat in his hand, lifting me off the ground. My hands instantly went to his hand and I tried to pry his from my neck, but it work.

Then a gasp escaped my lips when I saw a dark red claw with long black nails grab the thing from me and when I look at who the hand belong to, my heart stopped.


Chapter 5


There was something standing there, it had rough dark red skin with a long tail, and it had horns as big as a bull's on top of its head. When its eyes met mines, I was faced with glowing red eyes with a black ring around it, and its big pointy teeth were protruding from its mouth. What made my body go rigid was the familiar chills that ran down my spine, at the moment its eyes met mines.

'It couldn't be? It couldn't be him!' My head was pounding at the information that it was trying to process, but finally, it had short-circuited and my eyes closed, making the rest of my body go limp, and I welcomed the darkness.

I grab something and I felt the warmth radiating off of it, which made me snuggle into it more, and then I heard a groan. 'Pillows don't make noise.' At that thought, my eyes flash open and my eyes meet a naked chest, a naked man's chest, that has abs.

I sat up quickly and smile as my eyes meet the sexy man that plagues my dreams at night, but the smile drops as soon as the memories from yesterday started to pour in my mind slowly, and I scream making that thing sit up quickly.

"What? What is it?" The thing's lips moved as it looked around in a defensive position, looking for a threat.

"Get out!" I yelled making its head snap to me and its eyes went wide, I don't know when I found the strength to talk, but I probably sound ridiculous, but I don't care, I just want it to get out.

"What's wrong Brooks, are you OK?" It asked with its eyebrows furrowed and its eyes gleaming with concern.

"Get away from me you monster-Demon, whatever you are, stay away from me!" I yelled out, my voice felt raspy in my throat as tears started to stream down my face. When I said this, its eyes flickered with what seemed like hurt, and I felt a horrible stab in my chest when I saw that, and I couldn't understand why.

He stood up straight and looked at me as if assessing if what I said was what I really wanted and then he spoke. "If that's what you want, I will leave you be." His eyes still had hurt in them, but his voice was firm, and at his final words, he grabbed his shirt and left me there. For some reason, I could only hear him, even though I couldn't hear anything else that was going on in the world.

I stopped my tears from falling, even more, I was having an eternal battle with my heart and mind. My heart and body were yearnings for his touch, his smile, everything about him, but my mind couldn't stay another second with that thing, that demon.

I sat there contemplating if what I saw was weird or only a figment of my imagination, but how could I have just imagined something like that out of nowhere, it just doesn't make any sense, so it must have been real. I remembered when I saw the red claw, and I knew whatever it was, was trying to protect me from the ones that were trying to hurt me, so it had to be him, right?

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