Chapter 6: SM Pt. 4

Start from the beginning

                “That’s right! I’ve got two extra nipples. I’m a circus freak! Are you a happy, you gonna go tell everyone now?!” He yelled. Taking a seat on my bed I watched Joffrey huff and puff for a minute before speaking.

                “First, I wouldn’t have told anyone. You on the other hand did when you yelled it for the entire building to hear. Second, you’re not a circus freak. A lot of people have extra nipples. It’s not a big deal. Third, if you’re sensitive about them just say their moles. I know if I couldn’t tell the difference no one else will either. Fourth, take off that damn shirt before you have a heat stroke.” I said lying back down on my bed to continue my fanning. At first I didn’t think he’d move but after calming down he pulled the shirt off. Climbing into bed he lay there quiet. The buzz of the fan we were given was the only noise until he cleared his throat.

                “Do they really look like moles?” He asked. Turning to him I saw him lying there staring at me.

                “Yep.” I replied. Sighing he closed his eyes.

                “Thanks.” I felt a smile tugging at my lips bring me back to the current situation. Taking the desk chair I sat down and faced him.

                “Remember that trip to Fiji I told you about. Well while there I… I had sex with my best friend boyfriend older brother. It got super weird and then I left for the academy. I’ve tried to get back into girls but it hasn’t worked and so now I’m just stuck.” I said. Joffrey sat for a moment before standing from his bed.

                “So all I have to do is find you a dude. It won’t be easy but don’t worry I got ya back.” He said. Standing too I shook my head.

                “That’s alright. I don’t want to a relationship. I mean I’m extremely new at this and honestly I want on focus on graduating.” I said trying to discourage Joffrey from helping me.

                “I agree a relationship right now would be bad but you need to have a bit of fun. A weekly or even daily release of all that pent up energy is healthy. I’m not saying you have to become the Naval Academy slut just have some fun.” He said. As much as he sounded right I still didn’t feel it. Understanding Joffrey told me he wouldn’t push me but he would keep an eye out for me. A couple days later I was greeted by a familiar face as I left my last lecture for the day.

                “There’s my Sean!” Dropping my satchel to the ground I opened my arms.

                “Megan!” I yelled as I hugged her hard. Twirling her around she squeezed me to her.

                “I’ve missed you bear.” She said pulling back.  Looking at me she brushed her fingers over my brows.

                “Even though you’re happy to see me, you still have a twinge of sadness in your eyes.” She said. Before I could look away she caught my face with her hands.

                “We’re passed that hiding shit. Talk to me, bear.” She whispered. Letting her go I leaned down and picked my satchel up. Offering her my arm I walked her to my building. By the time we reached it I’d filled her in on me. I even told her about Joffrey and his advice.

                “He’s right. There is no need for you to become a freaking nun. Just be up front and let them know you aren’t looking for forever.” She said as I unlocked my door. I was about to argue my point when I came face to face with a naked Joffrey. He stood there wide eye then slowly his eyes went to Megan who was looking at him with wider eyes.

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