In the Plane

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Cath's POV

We are sitting in the plane. Steve hasn't talk to me since we got to the plane, so I decided to start a light conversation.

"I wanted to tell you, I did." I said "You were the last person I ever wanted to lie to, Steve. Then when I found out what you did for me, and how you came through when my cover was almost blown, I... you saved my life." I added

"You would've done the same thing for me, Cath." Steve said "So when did they recruit you?" He added

"When I was in Afganistan." I said

He just noded. I could see it from his face he is sad and probably a little bit mad. I don't blame him though.
I remember Lynn telling me something before I went outside Steve's house. And I decided to tell Steve.

"Look Steve, I have to tell you something." I said

"What's that?" He asked

"I know what you were gonna do before I left. Lynn told me. It was uh, it was an accident. She didn't mean to." I said. His face has this some kind of dissapointment and sad look.

"Uh, out of curiosity, if I would've ask, what would you have said?" He asked.

Steve's POV

"I know what you were gonna do before I left. Lynn told me. It was uh, it was an accident. She didn't mean to." She said.

After she said that, I was literally shocked. I can't believe Lynn told her that. Even though it was accident.
I don't know what to say. But the question just popped up to my head.

"Uh, out of curiosity, if I would've ask, what would you have said?" I asked.

"I would've said yes." She said

I just nodded. I don't know what to think or say. Is it a good thing or a bad thing? I mean I love Cath but I'm with Lynn now. I couldn't just dump her like that. But no one can love me the way Cath loved me. Not even Lynn. 'Ugh... I'm so confused' I thought

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