| SEVENTEEN | Imagine #1 - Vernon |

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Month Edition: December - 2017

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Month Edition: December - 2017.

Summary: The best way to make you see that you're perfect even though you think you're ordinary.


The cloudy weather that day was perfect, you loved the days like this, and even more, because your boyfriend invited you to a walk date, that's typical in your relationship, both of you enjoy to talk about your days and how things are going when you're away from each other. Since Seventeen's comeback, his schedule has been very busy these past weeks, but you don't care as soon as you can be able to see him it's enough for you.

You were ready to go to your date with Vernon, the only thing left was his call for you to know if he was ready to pick you up. Suddenly the doorbell rang, immediately you went to the entrance, you opened the door and saw Vernon with his charming smile. Both of you hugged tightly and he lifted you up with excitement.

-I miss you so much!

-Me too babe, I'm sorry for not having time for you.

-Don't worry about that! The only thing that matters is that you're here-. Vernon caressed your cheek with a sweet smile on his face, finally, you went to your date.

Both of you arrived at a nice park that was full of trees and beautiful views to the sea, you started to walk along with Vernon while holding his hand as he kept on telling you his amazing memories with Seventeen members.

-Oh, it was so nice! The fan meeting is so tiring but in the end all of it was worth it.

-Glad to hear that baby.

-So tell me, how was your week?

-Nothing out of the ordinary, just exams and tests-. You stopped walking and Vernon stood in front of you, he knew that something was wrong.

-What's the matter Y/N?

-Nothing, I just, I don't really think I'm the right one for you... I mean I'm ordinary and so classic. And you're an idol and extraordinary talented-. Vernon got closer to you and embrace you into his arms.

-Babe... always so insecure about you. Do you know what I like the most about us?

-No, What?

-That we're so real, I don't have to pretend with you... so don't ever say that you're not special or talented, because I heard you sing our song the other day-. Vernon patted your nose gen rely on his finger making you giggle.

-Do you really think that?

-Of course, I do! I will never lie to you!


-Promise-. You looked at Vernon's eyes and immediately your cheeks turned red making him smile. He put his arm around your shoulders and gave you a sweet kiss on your forehead.

-You will always be special for me Y/N.


Hope you enjoy this imagine CARATS 💎!

If you want to leave me a suggestion for another "imagine", send me a message, and I will do my best to make it. 💙

Kpop Imagines~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora