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Oh gods it's another chapter. Who's ready for the emotions roller coaster?

Jk! (Or not)

I don't own anything.
Quint was—and this came as a surprise to everyone—the most excited about the games. He had invited two girls onto their team (saying that they needed the female representation). One of them was Mina Fubar, a relative of someone important that Galen didn't catch. The other one was none other than Lyra Erso, whom Quint seemed to have a crush on. Maybe it was obvious to Galen, but Lyra was oblivious.

Right now, Quint was making the group run around their platform level five times. He claimed that they all had to be physically and academically strong. "What if one of us breaks a leg or something? We can't just rely on one person for the tasks."

"Well we can rely on Galen to do the academic stuff," said Orson.

"Except for when it comes to imitation," Lyra added. Then, in a near perfect Orson voice imitation, she said "That's what I'm here for!" This was followed by incoherent screams and cries from Orson.

So far, Lyra was doing the best, which Galen wasn't the least bit surprised at. She probably did a lot of long distance running trying to hunt for food. Orson was next (after Galen convinced him (somehow) that the teen didn't need to wait for him). Galen supposed Orson's age was his advantage. Being the youngest one on the team, Orson had too much energy. Mina and Quint were about even, taking up third and forth. And last was Galen himself. He found it difficult to run after his hip had been dislocated in the speeder crash, and he didn't want to push his body until he strained something.

The first lap was torture for him. He couldn't seem to find his pace until he passed the landmark that was used as a start and finish line. The second lap went better and the third lap was his best. By now he had his stride and he was pacing himself just fine. On his fourth lap, Lyra caught him. "How many have you done?" She asked through heavy breathing. Galen held up three fingers. "So you're on your fourth?" A nod. "Nice." Galen figured she was probably on her last lap. Lyra slowed her pace up so she could job along next to Galen. She didn't say anything, she just kept running. Galen honestly didn't mind the company. It felt... nice. He hadn't seen anyone else since the start.

Suddenly they heard a loud scream of protest. Galen and Lyra peeked over their shoulder and saw an enraged brunette with blue eyes bolting towards Lyra. Lyra frowned. "I'll see you at the end, Galen," she said. Then she kept going, speeding up her pace to keep ahead of Orson.

Orson caught up to Galen. "DONT EVER THINK OF *wheeze* TAKING GALEN, YOU LITTLE GALEN STEALER!!!" He shouted after Lyra. Galen sighed. Orson had no chill. How could he not understand that people talked to each other whether they were in love or not? 'You little weirdo,' he thought.

"Hi Galen!" Orson said brightly. "Was Lyra being an annoying piece of reekshite again?"

Galen shook his head. He started to sign *'No, she was just being a friend'* but Orson wouldn't understand him so he stopped. He signaled Orson to go catch her. Orson nodded and ran off, not even seeming to realized he had overlapped Galen.

As he ran, Galen thought about waking up at a second hospital after the major speeder crash. His mother had come to the first hospital to pick him up after the Ilum Incident. They were exiting the planet's gravitational pull when a rogue speeder flew right into theirs. Galen didn't remember falling, all he remembered was that he blacked out from the sudden pressure increase and when he woke up, he was laying on the ground. Later, he learned that upon impact, he had been flung out of the ship via the front window.

He remembered seeing his mother's body smashed through the control panel. He remembered trying to get to her but his legs refused to move. Then the ship exploded and Galen couldn't recall any other memories except that he woke up again, this time in a hospital. How he survived it all was still a mystery.

Galen found himself unable to breathe as he thought about it. His legs were shaking under his weight and he suddenly tripped and crashed to the ground. He tried to get up but once again his legs refused to. 'Mother!' He thought. 'I have to get to Mother...' he forced himself to stand and kept running.

Suddenly he wasn't at the Republic's Program anymore. He was back at the crash scene. Every step he threw into trying to reach the ship and his mother before it exploded was in vain. It was like he was on a treadmill that was slowly pushing him away from his mother. The stench of blood filled his lungs and made him choke. Out of the three people and two ships that had become involved, he was the only one to live.

"GALEN!!!" Galen snapped out of his daydreaming. He was in his and Orson's room. Speaking of Orson, the teen was standing right over him. Galen sat up and rubbed his head. Orson wasn't the only one in the room. Lyra, Quint, and Mina were there too. All three were looking heavily concerned. Orson looked like he was going to cry.

Galen glanced around the room. Why was he here? With shaky fingers, he sighed *What happened?*

Lyra was the only one to answer. "You had a panic attack and passed out."

Orson seized Galen's shoulders. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!? WHY WOULD YOU SCARE ME LIKE THAT!!??" Galen winced. Orson was yelling again. Orson threw his arms around Galen and held him tightly. The scientist tried to remember what happened. He had been at the speeder crash... but what has he been doing before that?

*'How did I get here?'* he asked the team. The other three looked quizzically at him before Lyra verbally translated.

"I carried you!" Orson answered happily. Galen's eyes widened and then he smiled. Behind Orson, Quint and Mina were pointing straight to Lyra. But he wasn't about to burst Orson's bubble. Galen gave a thumbs up and Orson beamed wildly.

Mina finally spoke. "We can give you guys some time alone if you want." Galen would have preferred they all stay but Orson kicked them out of the room. Oh dear... he probably worried that the team would try and steal his Galen again.

Orson laid down next to Galen and sighed. "What happened?" He asked softly. Galen have a small laugh. Orson hadn't been thinking too far ahead had he? Even if he did sign his answer, the teen wouldn't understand. So Galen gave a shrug and Orson accepted it.

But the problem was it wasn't something that would easily be shrugged off. Galen hadn't had this sort of thing happen to him since two weeks after the crash. So why was it coming back to haunt him now. He wished he could tell Orson everything that was on his mind. He wrapped his arm around Orson and buried his face into the younger man's neck. Orson cradled him back and Galen began to relax. He even started to fall asleep.

That's when the vivid memories began to seep back into his mind...

Okay, to be honest, I feel like this chapter is a shitty filler chapter because honestly it doesn't give a whole lot of addition to the plot except for Mina Fuber (who is really two Attack on Titan character names smashed together) so if ANYONE could help me fix it somehow that would be awesome!

That was a really long run on sentence. My English teacher is going to kill me.

Please review!

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