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I don't own anything.
"You haven't been here for a week and you already found love. Yeah right," Quint laughed.

"It's true!" Orson protested. "I think I've found the one!"

"Have you even asked her out yet?"

"No... and it's a he!"

"Oh. So you're attracted to boys?"

"I like to say I'm attracted to all genders."

Quint shrugged. "Whatever. Let's make a new bet. First one to ask someone out has to buy the other a drink."

"You can't change the bet! I found love first, fair and square!"

"The deal has been altered."

And so Orson found himself mainly thinking about how he was going to ask Galen out to win the bet. 'Hi Galen, I know we just met but would you go out with me?' 'Galen, I love you so much even though we met once. Come on a date with me.' 'Galen, I have no idea how romance works but I love you and I want you to go out with me!' 'Galen, I have been stalking you. Marry me.' 'Galen..!' 'Galen..!' 'GALEN..!' Orson realized he was a hopeless romantic. He's never win Galen over. He didn't know the first step to winning someone's affection. He began to have slight doubts about winning the bet.

Still, Orson couldn't get over the fact that Galen looked amazing and was even more extraordinary personality wise. He often wondered if Galen talked about him behind his back. Was it good talk? Did Galen find him annoying? Technically, he met Galen once and that was at their first meeting. Since then, Orson had been secretly watching him in his spare time. He figured out Galen's school schedule and learned what time Galen had breakfast, lunch and dinner, which on-campus diners he went to for each, and when Galen usually went outside. Come to think of it, it was kind of creepy that he stalked Galen.

But Orson couldn't help it. He had to know what Galen thought about him. It was going to drive him mad if he didn't. This was a first world problem that had to be solved!

Orson went for a walk with his rubber band ball (which was like a pet for him since he couldn't get a real pet yet) during his lunch break. He stared at the ball, thinking about none other than Galen. 'Wouldn't it be amazing if he talked to me again? I wonder if he still has that certain twinkle in his eye? What does he think about me carrying around a rubber band b-'

He didn't get to finish his thought. Orson's waist was grabbed and he was yanked backwards. He screamed like a little girl. Orson whipped around to hit whoever was attacking him, only to find it was Galen. "Galen??!" He squeaked.

"Are you planning to walk off the edge of the platform?" Galen asked sternly. It took a moment for Orson to realize how close to death he had been. The platform ended just a few centimeters away from where he stood. A wave of panic, then fear, and finally plain embarrassment swept through him.

He felt his cheeks growing hot. "I... I guess I forgot to look where I was going..?"

Galen sighed and pulled Orson further away from the edge then released him. "I'm just glad I was in the right place at the right time. I don't think your rubber bands would have been able to spring you back up here." He smirked at his corny joke.

Orson didn't care if the joke was crap. It made Galen even cuter. He looked into Galen's eyes. Kriff, they were beautiful.

"Galen!" A voice shouted, making Orson snap out of his trance. Another young man about Galen's age came trotting up. "Hey! You got the kid!" The man said brightly.

"In the nick of time," Galen replied.

Orson frowned. "I'm not a kid! I'm a teen!"

The other man looked down at Orson. He was about ten centimeters taller than the teen, frustrating him. Why was he so short? "How old are you?"

"He's 15," Galen said. "It's impressive that he's here at this age." Orson felt his heart leap and he immediately wanted to kiss Galen. Too bad his body refused to move.

"Sure is!" Said the other man. "Galen, it's almost time for our next class. We should get going."

Galen nodded. "Yeah, okay. I'll see you around, Orson." And with that, Galen was whisked away. Orson couldn't even find the words to say 'goodbye.'

He cursed himself to his next class. He should have made a move! Even more frustrating, someone was trying to hit on Galen too! THIS MEANT WAR!! He couldn't concentrate on his class (thankfully it was math and he was already good at math). He started plotting against the other man who was trying to take his Galen!

When the school day was over, Orson ran back to his dorm and began writing down all the ideas that had boiling in his head. He drew out each idea carefully, making sure that the plans had little to no flaws. Galen was his and he was going to make sure everyone knew that!

Quint came barging through the door. "Orson!" He said as he flopped onto his bed. "Whatcha doin'?!"


"Plotting? For what?" Quint walked over and glanced over Orson's shoulder. "Okay... what are you drawing?"

"Someone is trying to win over my crush! I have tried to conjure up every possible idea to make Galen mine!"

"Wait, Galen? As in Galen Erso?" Quint burst into laughter. "You like Galen Erso?!?"

"Yeah? So?"

"You never told me his name! Lemme guess, he was with some other guy who had black hair, brown eyes, wore loose fitting stuff?"

Orson yelled and tackled Quint, knocking him to the ground. "YOU KNEW HE WAS IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH SOMEONE ELSE AND IT NEVER OCCURRED TO YOU TO TELL ME!!??"

"Hey! You never told me you had a crush on Galen Erso! And besides, that's Galen's roommate, Cordren Argish! They're pretty good buddies and usually hang out with each other."

Orson stopped attacking Quint. "Oh." He got off Quint and went back to his plans. Well, that was a waste of overreacting. Orson stowed away the plans, in case he ever needed them again. "Okay!" He said brightly. "I'm glad it was only that."

Quint stood up. "You know, Galen is a pretty tough guy to love. He's a bit socially awkward and doesn't have many friends because he spends so much time by himself."

"I don't care," said Orson. "I'm gonna win his affection and the world will be mine! Or rather, the romantic world between us."

Quint shook his head. "Good luck with that, Orson. But remember our deal."

"Yeah, I remember it. Don't alter the deal or I'm going to bounce the rubber band ball off your head as much as I want."

"Alright. I won't change it."

"Good, because I'm gonna win."

"We'll see about that."
Orson's PB&J.

What did you think of his overreacting? I tried to imagine how I would feel if I thought someone else was interested in my crush. I dunno if I nailed it or destroyed it.

Please review!

Galennic              [#Wattys2017]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon