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A lot of my inspiration for Lyra, Orson, and Galen's relationship comes from the comic Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson. If you're not familiar with the comic, here's one of my personal favorites below. I usually see Orson as Calvin, Lyra as Susie, and Galen as Hobbes (the tiger).

 I usually see Orson as Calvin, Lyra as Susie, and Galen as Hobbes (the tiger)

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I don't own anything.
"I d-dont wanna!l Orson screamed. "I don't wanna g-go to thera-therapy!"

"This isn't therapy," said his mother. "This is school with other children like you."

"I'm not a ch-ch-child! I'm sixteen!"

"Orson! Please!"

That's how the day started. And Orson had high hopes it wasn't going to get any better. His mother had signed him up for some 'group therapy' thing. That was the last thing Orson wanted to do. He didn't want to socialize! He hated socializing! The only social thing he wanted was to socialize with GALEN WALTON ERSO!!!! (Yes, Orson had recently figured out Galen's middle name. And it made him extremely happy.)

"Mom! No!" Orson tried to fight his mother but he ended up on the losing side. Partly because both his parents were against him and their combined strength was too much for the teen.

Orson was forced to sit in the family speeder, and he pouted the whole way there. "Orson Callan Krennic! Grow up!" Yasmine scolded.

"I c-can't! I m-made a p-promise n-not to!"

His mother groaned. "You don't need to lose your Lego loving side when you grow up. Just act a little more mature! You're going to be seventeen next year."

"I ain't grow-growing up."

"Do it for Galen Erso. I'm sure he'd be very proud of you," his mother grumbled. "You guys are awfully tight friends, you know."

"Galen is the best (boy)friend ever!" Orson snapped. "I w-would trade the w-world for him!"

"I don't think Galen Erso is worth Lexrul."

"You're right. HE'S SO MUCH B-BETTER!!"

"Orson Krennic!! Stop yelling!!"

"Why can't I get a pet? Or see Galen?! That would be much better than this damned therapy stuff!"

"It's not therapy!"

And this conversation repeated itself all the way to the Disabled Children's School on a planet called Darius. Erikzen stayed out of the conversation but Orson wished he would join in and argue against his mother. Why couldn't they understand that he was gay and that he loved the cutest science nerd in the entire Galaxy!? But no! His parents were so old fashioned Orson sometimes wished he could knock some sense into their brains. GAY IS OKAY.

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