"Dance With Me" - Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

I get up from my seat and I make my way over to the man staring at me, completely forgetting about the drink I ordered. As I make my way closer to this man I notice tattoos that become visible to the eye once close enough and other details such as his smirk plastered across his face become noticeable.

I come to a few steps away from the green haired man till an arm wraps around my waist and spins me around on the spot.

                  "Why Hello Doll," he hums looking down at me as he guides me towards the dance floor "why don't you dance with me?" he asks already arriving at the floor not caring about my opinion on the matter.

I sigh softly 'Men these days' I add to my thoughts as I push aside the man who was staring at me before believing he's no longer interested that I followed someone else.

                    "Only if you leave me alone after this dance" I bargain knowing fully well that he's not going to listen to a single word I've said.

                    " Of course Doll" he hums as some random semi-dubstep song starts playing and he starts busting a move, it's like one of those people who doesn't know how to dance with a touch of drunkenness. I lightly dance on the spot pretending to be by myself on the dance floor.  He then begins closing in on me as he slightly grinds against my hip and my leg attempting to try and get some sort of mood going on. I move away from him but he keeps getting closer till he places both of his hands on my hips as he guides them to sway side to side along with parts of the music.

                    "If you want to go fuck some whore go find some other chick, I'm not the type of girl you want to be sticking your dick in. You know what they say about the crazy" I look up at him and I place my hands on his and I take them off my hips. He looks down at me with a scowl and I groan internally knowing where this is going to end up.

//If no one here gets the joke its "don't stick your dick in crazy"//

                      "Look here bitch, I went through the effort to take you to this dancefloor and dance with you.  I expect something else in return or else.

                        "Are you threatening my woman?" another voice speaks up and I turn to see the same man that was staring at me before. 

                          "Mr. J! I-I'm so sorry! I didn't know this was your l-lady!" he stutters in a  panic and this...Mr.J, grins darkly showing his silver teeth. He clicks his tongue multiple times before speaking once more.

                          "I let you go last time but not this time, boy" he growls the last word and he pulls out a gun and shoots him in the head in the middle of the dance floor. He then turns his head to the security and waves them over to clean it up.

The people around us look towards where the source of the gunshot came from and begin to walk back to their tables or forming some circle around the dance floor waiting for some special entertainment to begin. I look back towards the green haired man to notice he's staring at me. He continues to do so before he makes a semi-dramatic bow and puts his hands out while looking up at me.

                          "Would you care to take this...dance," he grins "with me?" he asks as he stands up straight after he takes my hand somewhat forcefully as if he's being possessive.

The song "You Don't Own Me" beings to play and he places his right hand on my left shoulder and puts his left hand behind his back as I place my left hand on his right shoulder and my left in the air.

You don't own me

You don't own me
I'm not just one of your many toys
You don't own me

Don't say I can't go with other boys

He guides me around the room in a waltz around as he spins me on the spot here and there.

And don't tell me what to do
Don't tell me what to say
And please, when I go out with you
Don't put me on display

I attempt to make my escape going both left and right but he places his hand on each of my cheeks guiding me the other way till he spins me once more, I try to run from him but he stops me by putting his arm around my waist and dipping me backward.

You don't own me
Don't try to change me in any way
You don't own me
Don't tie me down 'cause I'd never stay 

I take a step forward to move away from his but he grabs both of my arms and pulls me backward and looks down into my eyes. As his grip loosens I attempt to move away from him again but he pulls me back once more but grazes his lips over my ear. He spins me around and I try to make my way past him but he puts his arm around my neck and pushes me back into another dip and he grips the back of my neck tightly. He pulls me back up and moves his grip the front of my neck as he sways the both of us.

I don't tell you what to say
I don't tell you what to do
So just let me be myself
That's all I ask of you 

He spins me around and quickly grabs my hands pulling me back to him before I make my escape, pushing himself up against me making sure that I don't get away by putting his arm around my waist and gripping my other hands as he waltz us around the floor once more. Coming to the final spin he makes he grips my hair and rotates it in circles before moving around the dance floor once again.

I'm young and I love to be young
I'm free and I love to be free
To live my life the way I want
To say and do whatever I please

He then makes his way down the dance floor pulling me along with him and grips both of my arms tightly lifting them up before waltzing around in circles once more. He lets go of both of my arms and places both of his hands on the back of my waist as my hands subconsciously move around the back of his neck.

Hey! Hey!

You don't own me

I try to make the same escape as before by moving side to side away from him but his hand is always there on my waist before I could get away from him.

You don't own me 

He spins me towards him and he presses himself up against me looking deep into my eyes as he grips my hair lightly, pulling me closer to him which looks like he's planning to make a move on me but before he gets too close he pulls away and everyone watching cheers and claps along to the dance. 

                            "So how about it Dollface?" he asks

                            "How about what?" I ask confused

                            "A dance with me later" he hums.

You Don't Own Me - Joker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now