Chapter 3 (EDITED)

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~ Kiana ~

"You did what now?"

I sighed, rubbing my temples and tried to explain everything once again to cousins. They were still pissed (I think) from me ditching them to go get ice cream with my newly met friends, after running over their other friend.

After explaining it to them for about the hundredth time, I held my breath, waiting, and somewhat knowing what the outcome will be.

"That idiot! If he's going to cross the road, he should check both ways before crossing! Jesus Christ, they taught us this in elementary!" Alex threw her hands in the air in exasperation, almost hitting Danny, who was right behind her. He rolled his eyes and pushed her aside, making her fall.

"Well, since you had a completely legitimate reason to ditch us... You're buying us lunch today." He said in a monotone voice.

My mouth dropped as I looked at the both of them, and then sighed.


Danny lost the poker face and grinned, giving me a hug, while Alex cheered and jumped up from the ground. She took her jacket, which was on the sofa, her wallet, on the table, and her phone and ran out the door, tugging us along with her.

Wait. Did I say we were at her parent's house? I didn't, did I?

"Alexis Elaine Jackson! Where do you think you're going!" Her mom came out of the house, carrying her baby brother in one arm, and holding a wooden spoon in the other. Oh god... Not the spoon.

"Uh... To lunch? With Danny and Kiana? I finished all my homework and chores 2 days ago." This girl could be a nerd if she wanted to.

Her mom blinked, reached into her pocket while holding the wooden spoon, and took out $100. The 3 of us looked at awe at the money. Danny was practically drooling over it, and Alex looked like she was looking at an angel. Which was her mother.

"Here. Help yourselves. But if there's any change, just give it back." Then, she went back inside.

We just stood there for a couple more minutes before walking away.

"A hundred bucks..." Danny trailed off.

"Yeah... What are we going to do with it?" I asked, looking at the both of them.

"Well... We're gonna eat lunch. After that, we have to spend it wisely." Alex said with a sigh.



Well, we skipped lunch.

We went to the candy store instead.

We must've bought mostly everything because we were carrying 2-3 bags each. I didn't know if the store clerk was going to be happy about us buying everything, or freak out on what he's going to sell others.

"Is this enough to be considered lunch?" Danny asked, stuffing his mouth with a Snickers bar. I snickered (you see what I did there?) and ate my own candy, while giving Alex some of hers because she can't get them herself. Why? Because she's driving. And with her driving means that we listen to her music.

'Bulletproof Heart' by My Chemical Romance was playing on full blast. Don't get me wrong, I like the song. It's upbeat and cute but, punk rock isn't really my type of genre when it comes to music. I prefer pop, but it wouldn't hurt to try something new once in a while right?

"I GOT A BULLETPROOF HEART" Danny screamed at the top of his lungs.



"LET'S BLOW A HOLE IN THIS TOWN" We screamed our hearts out as we drove mindlessly on the streets, wasting gas as we didn't know where we were going. But that's just how we liked it. Winging it.

The song continued until someone messaged Alex. At that point, we were in front of the hospital, which makes no sense. Alex picked up the phone and started typing.

"Why are we here?" Danny looked out of the window, and quickly shut it. He shuddered, and I knew why. He was afraid of hospitals.

"I... have to visit an idiot." Alex grumbled, keeping her phone in her jacket's pocket.

"And by that idiot, do you mean Rodrick?~" I grinned cheekily, poking her sides. She looked at me with a poker face as Danny was smirking at her.

"Shut up... The hospital called me because I was his only emergency contact. " She said, slowly getting out of the car, with us following her lead.

Danny and I looked at each other before shrugging, and soon left the car to follow her, entering the hospital.

"Rodrick James Tucker." Alex said to a nurse at the station. The nurse nodded, and started typing and then looked back at us.

"6th floor, Room 608." We thanked her and went up the stairs, because someone else was using the elevator and Alex got tired of waiting.

When we reached that certain level, Alex looked for Rodrick's room. And the moment she did, she kicked the door open, surprising him and the doctor inside.

"Oh shit." Rodrick muttered, his sky blue eyes wide, as he saw her enraged face. If I didn't know better, I would tell her to 'calm down'. But I care about my well being, so I just stood my ground.

The doctor stayed calm, but a hint of fear was evident in his eyes.

Here's the thing about Alex. She's a very cheerful girl. She's the kind of person who jokes around about mostly everything. But when she's serious, you wouldn't think that she had it in her. The anger radiates from her, and the happy go lucky girl we grew up with was gone as long as she's mad. And the worst thing is, after that, she goes back to her happy self, as if nothing just happened.

"May I help you, miss?" The doctor asked. Alex smiled and nodded.

"Please excuse yourself from this room, Doctor Mitchell. I need to have a word with our dearly beloved patient." She said in a sweet voice. Doctor Mitchell couldn't say anything. He just nodded, took his things with him and slowly left the room.

"Wait a minute, how did you-" The door was slammed right in front of his face. He turned to face us.

"How'd she know my name?"

"She knows things. A lot of things." Danny told him firmly, crossing his arms on his chest.

"Yeah but... how?" He was still confused, while I was trying to keep a straight face on.

"She knows people, even things, from the other side." I told him with a blank stare. His eyes went even more wide, and slowly backed away, before bolting. When he did, we started laughing our asses off.

"Oh my go- he is such an idiot!" Danny was basically rolling on the floor now.

"Jesus Christ, dude! How could he not have realized it was because he was wearing his name tag?" I was trying to catch my breath, but ended up laughing all over again.

A few more minutes passed and we got bored.

"Hey, I'm gonna go to McDonald's. Want something?" Danny stood up, dusting off his clothes.

"Hmm yeah. I want chicken nuggets. And a McFloat. And french fries. And a burger." I smiled. He rolled his eyes and nodded, leaving.




And then he was gone. And I was bored once more.

So, I did the only thing I could. I started wandering around the hospital.

God, I wish I just stood still.

It's Complicated, Really (Jordan Wallace Fanfic) - UNDER EDITING -Where stories live. Discover now