2. Have you ever heard of Project GEM?

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{2. Have you ever heard of Project GEM?}

Dreamer's POV

As soon as my feet landed on the pavement, I flicked the collar of my coat upwards to conceal most of my face. My boots stomped through the residue of rain mixed with street litter. The best I could do was ignore the smell.

The train station looked like it had been hosed by an exhaust pipe, dirty smoke lingered in the air and latched onto my blonde hair, giving it an earthy tinge. I shuddered. I am heading to the Mutant Embassy, which situates in New York. I am not used to the clotted streets here. I don't like the way my shoulders constantly bump into people. I make sure to keep a low profile though. And to my advantage no-one seems to notice anyone, probably because of the wet weather.

The New York ME is supported by large columns similar to the one's at Wall Street. I shuffled through the crowds of three-piece suited men and rushed up the stairs to be greeted by revolving doors. Immediately, the atmosphere around me changed. The air was more pleasant, the floor was a polished marble and I felt at ease...at least for now.

I approached an office lady, whose reception desk was surrounded by beautiful bouquets of exotic flowers. My eyes admired the flowers for a moment before I turned to...Ms Hepburn. That's what her name tag said. She looked up at me and offered a kind smile.

"How may I assist you today, miss?" She asked, twirling a pen in one hand. I took a deep breath.

"I'm here to see Mr Verite." It was important that I see him as soon as possible. I traveled all the way from the Netherlands, a three month journey at that, just to be here. I bit my bottom lip anxiously. This was it.

"I'm sorry but you have to make an appointment, and the next available slot is in three weeks." She replied, showing off her pearly whites. I inwardly cringe. Three weeks? What would become of me in three weeks?

"This is urgent. I have to see him today. Please, is there anything you can do?" I begged.

"I am extremely sorry miss, but there are mutants who have been on this waiting list for months. I cannot change the schedule." Ms Hepburn reasoned. Although she seemed genuinely concerned, I could not have it. I have to see him.

"Where is his room?" I demanded, my fist pounded the desk like a mallet. She looked at me uneasily. That's when I realized the approaching security guards emerging from my peripheral vision. "Please, I really need to see him." But by this time, the guards have successfully intervened between Ms Hepburn and I.

"I going to have to ask you to leave, miss." One of the sturdy guards said. I gritted my teeth. I looked behind them and saw a flight of stairs leading up to a second floor. Mr Verite had to be up there somewhere.

I nodded towards the guards, making it look like I was about to turn on my heel and leave, before I unleashed my element of surprise and backhanded them in the face. I'm not usually a violent person, but what can I say, I'm desperate. Ms Hepburn gasped as I started for the stairs, my heavy coat wasn't much help, it was slowing me down. The people descending from the stairs just shot me weird glances, only the guards dared to pursue me.

"Stop right there!" I didn't look back.

"Somebody stop her!" Oh dear. And that's when I felt strong hands grab my shoulder and envelope me into a restricting embrace.

"Let me go!" I squirmed. It was useless. The guards caught up to me but with an apologetic look on their red faces. That backhand must've hurt.

"Sorry Mr Verite, we asked her to leave and she slapped us." The guard explained pathetically. I rolled my eyes. Wait a minute...did he say Mr Verite? I whipped my head around, positive that I pulled something in my neck.

Dreamcatcher {X-Men: First Class}Where stories live. Discover now