조금만 행복한 시간 (A Little Time of Happiness)

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Flashback to 6 years ago...

"Would you marry me?" ask Ki Hyun.

Ki Hyun holds Ji Hyeon's hands tightly as he doesn't want to let go of her hand again. As if he doesn't want to lose Ji Hyeon too. He looked into her beautiful eyes.

"Ey, no way, you just tricked me, right?" ask Ji Hyeon.

Ki Hyun startled by Ji Hyeon's reaction. He never thought that Ji Hyeon would gave him that kind of responses.

"Ji Hyeon-a, look into my eyes,"

Ji Hyeon looked into his eyes. Although every day, every time, they're always playing around together and never be serious about one thing, but today, she finds that sincerity that hards to believe through his eyes. He is being sincere about what he said before.

"I'll ask you again, would you marry me?"

It's really hard to believe for her. Because for the past 10 years, they're only became a best friend who always depends on each other. But the fact that can't be avoided is that she also ever thinks that someday Ki Hyun would ask that kind of thing to her. And finally, the day is coming.

"Why you didn't say anything? Did you just reject my marriage proposal?"

"Actually, it's hard to believe,"


"We are known each other for 10 years already and we are still young. We are only 18 years old. I never thought that you would made such a big decision this fast,"

"So what if we are still young? If we are still young doesn't mean that we can't married,"

"That's right, but---"

"What should I do to prove that I am being sincere and serious about this marriage? Should I jump from the edge up there so that you can believe that I am ready to marry you. I am ready to be your husband. I am ready to accompany you for the rest of your life,"

"You don't need to do such things,"

"Saranghae... [I love you],"

Ji Hyeon even more startled by Ki Hyun sudden confession that she never heard before. She really never thought that Ki Hyun loved her more than as best friend.

"Saranghae...[I love you],"

As he repeated those sacred words, his face goes closer to Ji Hyeon's face. Without realizing it, his soft lips reach Ji Hyeon's soft lips. He kissed his beloved woman softly and warmly. He closed his eyes and gently kisses the lips of the woman that he chooses as his partner of life.

"Can you feel it?" ask Ki Hyun.

Ji Hyeon nodded her head.

"So, would you marry me?"

Ji Hyeon only replied to his marriage proposal with her beautiful smile. Although she still can't believe it, but Ki Hyun's sincere break those wall of hesitant that hinders her true feeling towards Ki Hyun.

"Gomawo..." said Ki Hyun.

Ki Hyun holds Ji Hyeon's face. Again, his soft lips touched Ji Hyeon's lips. This time, he kissed her as if he doesn't want to let Ji Hyeon go again. He closed his eyes and kissed her gently. Slowly, Ji Hyeon closed her eyes too. She kissed Ki Hyun's lips softly, as if she wants to tell her true feelings to Ki Hyun's through that kiss.

나의 반쪽이야 (Half of Me)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora