He could not sleep that night. He was lying on the open terrace of the house and it was again full moon in the sky. He spent either night trying to see Leela's face in the moon. Looking at the night sky he thought it would soon be day break and daylight would bring the harshness of reality but nights were full of stars and dreams.

Soon the sun started rising at the horizon and Ram got up to start his day early. He had to soon see Leela to keep him sane.


Morning Leela's house was buzzing with activities. Arjun, Pratap and their father Durga Kathiawar were sitting in living room and having their morning tea. They were all engrossed in that day's newspaper. Due to the upcoming General Elections in the nation Durga was heavily involved in the regional political activities. An important political leader from a major national party from Gujarat was sported as the Prime Minister candidate and this was a major opportunity climb up the political ladder for Durga Kathiawar as he was the trying to get in the good books of that candidate.

Durga looked up from the paper and told to his sons "We are having election campaign by our leader in our region in next 15days. I want all the arrangements to be made. Arjun, ready our farm house with all the amenities needed for his comfort, he may decide to stay there for a while as there are no government guest houses or hotels in the region. I do not want any bad incidents to occur during his visit in our region. Also ask the local municipal office people to clean up the village and restore every broken water taps, roads and street lights. He may have a public meet in the government school grounds, make arrangements for the same."

Arjun looked at his father and signed "Baba even during last state elections we wasted so much of money trying to please for the same fellow. But we did not benefit in any way because of that. I do not understand why you are making us do the same again."

Durga laughed at his son and said "Who said we did not benefit of course we did. How else did you think we acquired all the agricultural land for our industrial factories? There are always benefits from supporting a winning horse and now this is a nationwide election. I do not want to miss out on this chance. There are already strong speculations that he will be the next Prime Minister of India. Think of all the advantages we will have if we support him now."

Arjun just rolled his eyes "Whatever baba, if you feel it's good for our family I am fine with it. I will get to work about the things you mentioned to me. But I would need some support of others as well. I will talk to other industrial heads in the area for the arrangement."

Durga just smiled at his somewhat honest son "Also Arjun make arrangements of about 5crore rupees for donating to the party fund when he is visiting. We need not do alone. Ask all the industrial heads in the region to contribute for the same."

Rana just then walked into the living room. He was particularly in joyful mood.

"Good morning! I think when I walked in you were all discussing something serious? Should I know about it?" he asked.

Arjun just shrugged and said "Baba was just discussing about the visit of the election candidate in our region and the arrangements we need to do for the same. We really have lot of work Rana. I think we will have some security issues during his visit as we are close to the international border I want you to discuss the same with Chief of Police."

Rana nodded thoughtfully "I will look into it do not worry. We have been doing this every five year now, but now I think its impact is magnified as its national level."

Saraswati Devi walked into the living after finishing her morning pooja. She gave them all ladoo prasadam she had kept for pooja and applied tilak on their forehead. Charu came and handed her tea and took the pooja thali from her hand.

Urvashi, Charu and Leela also joined the family in the living room.

Rana looked at everyone and said "Well everyone I have good news to share with everyone. We are all going to Udaipur for RatanSingh Rathore's daughter's wedding next week. Everyone pack up and get ready we are going to stay at the Udaipur palace hotel where the wedding is taking place."

Durga frowned and said "I will not be able to go Rana with the election campaign so close. I suggest you take Pratap, Charu and Leela with you I would need Arjun here help me."

"But baba I promised RatanSingh all of us will be coming." Rana said.

"That's ok Rana RatanSingh will understand. I will call and talk to him personally,you all go have a good time." Durga said.

Rana said "Ok its settled then I, Pratap, bhabhi and Leela will go for the wedding. Will come and help you out with the campaign work when I come back."

Rana just looked at Leela and thought taking her out of this place where Ram can reach her easily was a good thing to do now. He also smiled to himself thinking of the true surprise he has stored for Leela in Udaipur.

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