"Stop it Oppa"I said but deep inside I want to say...don't stop

Sehun POV

My heart almost stop when I heard the word Oppa....Hanuel never called us Oppa even though we are older

"Can you please repeat the last word,I didn't hear it up"I said with a smirk,I don't know why but this smirk never leave my face...I like seeing her like that

"Yah!stop that maknae!Noona,call me Oppa please~please Noona"Chanyeol begged

"I'll call you Oppa if you will stop calling me 'Noona'" Haneul said

Haneul POV

"Aish!"Chanyeol messed his hair

"Just let her yeol"Lay tapped his back,I regret that I called Sehun 'Oppa',it sounds so girly

"Haneul I lo-----"Kai was been cut off by Luhan "I love you. Haneul!"

"No I love you Noona!"-Chanyeol said

"I love you too my wife"Sehun smiled

They keep on saying 'I love you'......what's happening?are they sick or just being crazy?why are they saying they love me....maybe they wanted to say that they love me as a...friend?

"No not as a friend dear wife....as a lover,we love you as a lover"Sehun said,is he a mind reader

"Im not a mind reader"he answered.O____O okay?

"Aish!hyung bring me home now!Im brokenhearted"Kylie said as he put his hand into his chest and tugged Kai's shirt,poor baby,I didn't mean to hurt his feelings....but duh he's too young for a relationship...did I already told you that I never get myself into a relationship?yeah.....ever since,Im just afraid that they might leave me alone

EXO is my doormmates  [EXO FANFIC] Book 1&2Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu