53.) oppa

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This is dedicated to you (Kimberly_EXO)

Haneul POV

"You okay Li'l bro?"Kai asked as we stepped out of my room,Kylie's not crying anymore,he look much better

"Im sorry about earlier"Suho apologized

"Same,Im sorry too Suho Hyung"Kylie bowed

"You're forgiven,Give hyung a hug"Suho said as he spread his arms ad hugged Kylie

"This is so gay"Kylie giggled as he hugged him back

"And by the way guys,I wanted to tell you that.......Noona is mine,I'll marry her when I grow older so don't steal her from me okay?"Kylie said,what is he saying?!aigoo~this is kid is so cute especially when he act like that,you know like an grown up,he really likes me?is he that serious?he's a brave boy 'cuz he had a courage to confess to me

"We can't promise"Sehun smirked,I froze....what does he mean? Kylie frowned while he shot Sehun a cute (for me)but deadly glare

"We will court her and marry her someday"Kai smirked at me

"Not you too big Dude!"Kylie said,Let me guess...my face is so red!!stop it guys,its not funny you know!they were all smiling at me,oh no....don't smile at em like that!it's killing me!what is happening?what are they saying?they will court me?they will..marry me?

"Noona stop blushing!"Kylie pouted,I can't!!

"Yah,don't call her 'Noona' 'cuz Im the only one who has the right to"Chanyeol said,aigoo~this cute guy is so selfish huh?

"But you're older!!you're the one who should stop,idiot!"Kylie rolled his eyes,well yeah,they were all older than me.....

"Shut up!okay fine call her Noona but remember this..your Noona is mine"Chanyeol said and smirked,please stop this!I think Im going to die!

"Guys shut up,Haneul couldn't move nor breathe because of you....are you okay my wife?"Sehun smirked again,how did he knew that?I never thought that Sehun could transform from being oh-so-quiet-and-cute to a cool and cheesy guy,I can die now...I never thought that an popular boy group will be my dorm mates say those thing to me ,it feels like Im in heaven

EXO is my doormmates  [EXO FANFIC] Book 1&2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ