30.) Sleepless

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"Ughrrrrr"Aish!Chanyeol is snoring! I can't sleep!plus my back hurts already and its getting cold because of the aircon. Imagine,we only have 1 huge blanket to share so only half of my body is covered,this is our arrangement.

I regret staying here.

Me Yeol Kai Baek Sehun Tao Lu Lay. Suho. Min Chen. ||Kris||

I pulled the blanket towards me so that I can be more comfortable ,success!ha~I feel hot already,this is so nice!Im starting to feel asleep but then Chen from the other side of the mat pulled the blanket again,grrrrrr!!!!are we playing tag of war here??

Im freezing up instantly and Chanyeol is snoring like there's no tomorrow,I got an Idea *smirked* I stood up and get a handkerchief from my bag and lay again,I tied it around his mouth,haha!there!much better,right? I never thought the room will be this peaceful. I pulled the blanket again,warm~quiet~ Zzzzzzzz..........

after 5 mins.

"Ughhrrmmm"Chanyeol snore again!!!the handkerchief slipped...Aish!its already 1am!I remove the handkerchief and stuffed it on Chanyeol's mouth,please be quiet!!!!!

Im so sleepy and I can't hide my frustration, all I wnated was to rest my tired body.

after 10 minutes

grrrr...so cold~yah!Chen please stop pulling the blanket!!I pulled it harshly without worrying that this piece of fabric will rip in no time. Sucess!Im getting sleepy but the moment I will close my eyes......Chanyeol started kicking me!!

"go away!!go away monster!don't hurt Haneul Noona!"he began shouting(yea,even though he had a handkerchief stuffed on his mouth) and kicking me hard,aww~he's protecting Haneul on his dream~how touching---but please stop kicking me and shouting like a crazy guy there! Im just a small fragile human being compared to your very large body.

I tried my best to control my temprer, this is the most hardest thing I've done.

I stood up and searched for something..where is that thing?I saw it earlier here..there!!hahaha!!*evil laugh at its finest* Im getting really pissed off Chanyeol,sorry but I have to do this. I tied his ankles,there are 2 ropes so I just kept the other one, I lay on the  mat ,yes!finally a peaceful place to slept in Zzzzzzzzzzzzz...........

after 5 minutes

"I said go away!If you don't Im going to kill you!"Chnayeol shouted,wait--Chanyeol?!!Aish!! I clenched my fist,he stated slapping me,I swear I'll never sleep beside Chanyeol again! Ever in my life. I get the excess rope earlier and tied his arms,I get some tape and stick it on his mouth just to make sure that he wouldn't interrupt my sleep again. Do I felt like I'm being so bad? No.

after 20 mins

"Ouch!!"I shouted,I rubbed my hand and saw Tao standing infront me

"what?!"I asked,he didn't answered. I though he's already awake but no..he's still sleeping, sleep walking I guess,I thought he'll just stood up there all night so I just let him but Im totally wrong...he kicked my leg.

"hey!what are you doing??!"

Why are you aiming to hurt me? Come on.

"how dare you destroy my gucci bags??!!"he kicked me angrily

"wait!I didn't destroyed anything!"I said while held my leg,it hurts!

"how dare you!!!"he kicked over and over again,aww TT^TT

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