13.) Hero

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Sehun's POV

When I was beating Jun's,I felt someone hugged me tight,that moment I stop to look at my back

My heart broke down into pieces when.......when I saw Haneul,she was holding her waist and there's a blood on it,she has a deep wound because of the stabbed of the knife.

she saved me,I hold her on her shoulders when her knees collapsed

But why?

Your POV

I hear their shouts "Haneul!Haneul!Haneul!wake up! Sehun said as he tapped my cheeks

I don't know why I did it,maybe because I din't want to be coward anymore,I want to save someone who are worthy to live,not like what I did in the past years,I let my family die,I didn't do anything to save them.

"S-sehun"I cant barely speak

"Shh...don't talk okay,hold on"Sehun panicked

I nodded and I saw all of the members of the gang ran away.

"Kai,Kris,Tao go beat them all.don't let a single one escape"Sehun grinned his teeth in anger as carried me bridal style and held me in his car,the wound really hurts I couldn't help but to cry. Baekhyun and Luhan is with us,they're beside me while Sehun is in the driver's seat.

I felt my eyelids become heavy and I want to sleep,I couldn't breath enough air

"Haneul,Ha-"that was the last words I heard before I completely blackout.

Luhan POV

We are now in the waiting room,Haneul is in the operating room,We are all worried but I think Sehun worried the most.

"Ugh...are you with Ms.Haneul Park?"-Doctor said

"Yeah!is she okay?!"-Sehun rushed immediately to the doctor.

"To be honest.....She's not but we tried our best and we are successful,she just need to rest and relax cause we have some test and she has symptoms of depression"

"Thank you doctor" I said

Sehun POV

2 weeks later but still Haneul is not awake.

Im worried why does it takes so long........Im sitting beside her bed.looking at her face,her beautiful,perfect face.

Suddenly her fingers moved.

Her finger moves?!yeah!yes finally she was awake,I fell some tears start rolling down to my cheeks.tears of joy.

"S-sehun...Sehun....Sehun"She said as she sat slowly

"hey lay down you need to rest!"I said as I pull her back into the bed but Im really happy to see him awake talking to me

"are you okay why are you crying?are you hurt?do you had wounds?bruise?"She as as she turn my body to scan

She's concern

"hey,I'm okay,it was already healed and gone" I assured

"Huh?why so fast?I mean we just got here earlier"-Haneul frowned

"Hmm....actually you are here for about 2 weeks"I saw her froze when I say 2 weeks I know she didn't expect that she was here that long

"W-what?"-Haneul said with  widden eyes

"Yeah.ugh why did you save me?"I asked

"Cuz.....cuz...I don't even know,maybe you are my friend and I don't want my friend to get hurt,I don't want to loss anybody that I love"-Haneul look away

Aw friend,she called me one of her friends.

Ultimate friendzoned.

wait.......she said she didn't want to loss anybody that she love??so that means she loves me??

Is there any chance?

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