"Leon... I think he's-" You stopped when Leon quickly kneeled down in front of him, bringing two fingers to his neck to check for a pulse. He glanced down at the gun in his limp hands, seeing that their were no empty shell casings laying around.

"Shit," Leon sighed, he stared down at the wounds Marvin was so hell bent on hiding. They were deep markings puncturing some kind of artery. It easily explained all the blood loss. "He's dead."

You slowly kneeled down besides Leon, seeing his head slightly turn as he glanced at you over his shoulder before looking back at Marvin. "I'm sorry, Leon."

He slightly turned to face you, his voice lowering a little with sadness and a bit of disappointment. He knew he should've stayed, but what could he have done? "It's awful, but there's nothing we can do. We'd better go find that girl."

Claire lowered her gun, kneeling down beside you to get a closer look at the dead cop. "It didn't look like he was bit, maybe he won't turn." She looked to you for some form of confirmation. You could only nod, hoping that was the case. "We barely knew him, he said he didn't want help but.. he clearly needed it."

Leon's sharp yelps alerted the two of you, followed by loud, groggy groans. Marvin had lunged himself towards Leon, mouth hanging wide open with gargled roars escaping. Claire quickly aimed her gun and fired quickly, leaving you to wince at the spray of blood and brain matter that came from Marvin's head, splattering on Leon's face and uniform. Leon shoved Marvin's body off to the side and quickly stood, his hands going towards his face to wipe the blood off with a curse. 

Claire turned around quickly and started shooting at the undead that were creeping up from behind you. "Where the hell did they come from???"

You quickly helped with the shooting, aiming straight at their heads the best you could despite your trembling hands. Running out of bullets to your shotgun, you switched to the Samurai Edge had grabbed. It wasn't as powerful as the shotgun you, but one bullet in the head was more than enough for an instant kill.

You each had to spread out to get your share of undead until their was no one left. Once it was over, only a heavy silence lingered in the air. You looked ahead at the putrid corpses lingering the ground, their tainted blood ruining the polished floors permanently.

Shelter at this police station was no longer an option. At least one thing was known during the fight, the little girl was nowhere to be found.

"Let's go through here." Leon proposed, gesturing towards a new direction. Claire followed with shotgun in hand while you walked alongside them, making sure your Samurai Edge was loaded.

"So," Claire began to speak, "We gotta find that girl. What do you guys wanna do? Split up?"

"No, it's better if we all stick together." Leon replied, reaching for the door knob. He stopped, turning his head towards the two of you. "After all, I don't want to pull my gun on either of you."

"Same here," you answered. "That's the last thing I want at this point."

Leon turned the knob and entered first, Claire and you following behind. The hallway was dimly lit: A large set of double doors visible on the ride side, while various phone booths crowded the left. One of the booths had the phone hanging by the cord, blood dripping off the buttons as if someone had gotten attacked while they didn't expect it.

Claire stopped at the large double doors and opened them, pushing them open to show a room full of desks and computers. Piles of paperwork littered the desks and the floor, thrown to the sides and trampled over. You spotted a dead body laying in one of the aisles, wearing what looked like business attire. "Careful." You whispered to the others.

In Angel's Clothing-Resident Evil 2Where stories live. Discover now